PADI RTO First Aid Student Manual



PADI RTO First Aid Student Manual Someone cuts his finger in a kitchen. At a gym, an older gentleman collapses from a heart attack. During a sporting event, a young boy faints from standing too long. Two automobiles collide, seriously injuring the occupants. A youngster floats motionless, face down in a swimming pool. A diner at the next table chokes on food, unable to breathe. Accidents happen every day. Some of these people just need a helping hand, while others will die or suffer serious permanent injury if not immediately attended to. Many things separate those who live and escape serious disability from those who die or suffer long after their misfortune: The individual’s fitness and health, the severity of the initial incident, the distance from medical care and often, just plain luck. No one can control these variables - be it at home, at the workplace or in any other environment. But there’s one variable you can control when you’re on the scene of any medical emergency: You. Often, life versus death or complete recovery versus long-term disability lies with a layperson first responder providing care between the emergency’s onset and the arrival of professional medical personnel. If you are there, you can provide that care. You can be an Emergency Responder. As a layperson, you can’t guarantee that a casualty will live or fully recover — there’s too much beyond anyone’s control — but you can feel confident that given the circumstances, everything that can be done will be done. If you’re not familiar with emergency care procedures, they can seem intimidating and complex. What do you do? For that matter, how do you know what to do first? Such questions may appear overwhelming, but actually, they’re not. If you can remember the memory device DRSABCDS, you’ll know what to do. This is because no matter what the nature of a medical emergency, you follow the same steps in the same order, providing basic care based on what you find. In the units of competency contained in this manual, you’ll learn that DRSABCDS prompts you to follow the necessary steps in the right order, so you do the right things at the right time. You’ll learn to apply first responder care following the same priorities used by medical professionals. The procedures, skills and knowledge presented in this manual are in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) Guidelines. The Australian Resuscitation Council is a voluntary co-ordinating body which represents all major groups involved in the teaching and practice of resuscitation.

Introduction Welcome to your PADI RTO First Aid Student Manual for training programs of the Health Training Package units of competency related to providing CPR and first aid (HLTAID). This manual contains a number of sections or training programs (each one related to a specific unit of competency) that are presented in sequence, all progressing on from each other. PADI RTO is a training organisation registered by ASQA and authorised to deliver the following untis of competency within its scope of registration:

• HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation • HLTAID002 Provide basic emergency life support • HLTAID003 Provide first aid • HLTAID004 Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting • HLTAID005 Provide first aid in remote situations • HLTAID006 Provide advanced first aid • HLTAID007 Provide advanced resuscitation • HLTAID008 Manage first aid services and resources

Overview Each training program contains three portions: Knowledge Development, Skills Development and Scenario Assessment. Knowledge Development covers the regulations, legal considerations, principles & procedures as well as basic physiology to help you understand the background and considerations you need to be aware of when providing CPR and first aid in the workplace. It is this information that you find in this student manual – the other portions are presented during face-to-face training. During Skills Development you will learn to provide CPR and first aid under the guidance of your Trainer. Scenario Assessment then allows you to further practice, demonstrate and apply the skills and knowledge you have learnt in ‘real-life’ scenarios under the supervision of your Trainer.





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