2014 February Beacon

What a great way to start out the year for NCYC. I am referring to the Commodore’s Ball honoring John and his lady Beverly. Congratulations to both of you and thank you for all your preparation and hard work, everyone had a great time. Way to go Greg & Yvonne Murray and P/C Harley & Linda Burris on your Spirit and Member of the year awards respectively. February is the month the Board approves committees and begins to firm up plans for the upcoming season. Consider stepping up and helping on a committee or assisting with an event this year. It is a great way to meet new members and is truly a ton of fun.

It is not too early to start thinking about the 2014 work schedule. All members need to send their top three choices for a work weekend to our Secretary Randy Pagel, so that he can complete the schedule. If you are interested in stepping up to be a weekend OD, please let Randy know, and if you are interested in managing for a week, contact P/C Harley Burris. If you're thinking about either being an OD or week manager but you're still on the fence, consider teaming with another couple. It's a great experience and a lot of fun. NCYC has a couple of winter events coming up. Both are a great opportunity to get together and enjoy great company. First is the 4th Annual NCYC Ski/Snowmobile weekend at Shanty Creek. It should be a great time! Next is the ABYA “Derby Downs” Spring Rendezvous in Midland. This weekend always promises to be a lot of fun. I'm sure this year will be no exception. Watch your fan outs and the Beacon for details on both of these great events. Leading up to each major event this year and immediately following the event Renee and I are taking notes to be prepared for next year. With that said, save the date for next year’s Commodore’s Ball celebrating our clubs 50th anniversary – January 24 th , 2015.

V/C Brian McEvoy

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