1863 The manufacture of liquors, wines, and cordials



two ounces

one gallon ; two gallons ;

tartaric acid, clean spirits,



half gallon. The strawberries are put in a bag and subjected to pressure ; the expressed juice is then added t9 the honey and water.

Same as strawberry.

Raspberry Juice.

Jessamine Cordial.

Clarified sugar, twenty pounds; decoction of strong tea, one

water, three gallons ;

quart sweet almonds, husked or blanched by standing in hot water, and rubbing 1 them through the hands until the husks are removed, one pound ; they should be worked to a stiff, fair paste in a mortar, by the addition of a quart of water ; then strain through a linen cloth, and add the strained liquid to the above. Spirit of jessa- mine, two ounces ; ambergris, two grains, rubbed well with sugar (about two ounces). This cordial is colored yellow, with a tincture of saffron or gam- boge. The whiskey mentioned in the text should be uncolored. ; half gallon whiskey ;

Aromatic Cordial.

Digest in five gallons of whis-

key for five days, one quart of orange peelings ;


ounces o/ cloves ;

six ounces of bruised ginger ;



pound of ground mustard.

Strain off the spirit,

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