1863 The manufacture of liquors, wines, and cordials



add to this, dissolved in alcohol, one-quarter ounce of cinnamon ; same of oil of cloves ; twenty drops oil of sassafras ; ten drops oil of orange ; one- quarter ounce oil of lemon ; five drops oil of anise. Then dissolve twenty-five pounds of refined sugar in one and a half gallons of water, and add it to the whiskey as above. This is colored by the addition of one-quarter pint of burnt sugar coloring. two quarts .; water, to dissolve honey, three quarts ; ^blanched sweet almonds, worked into a stiff paste in a mortar, four pounds. This paste is washed on a fine The water is passed through the paste repeatedly, and is then added to the honey and spirit, with twenty drops oil of almonds, dissolved in one ounce of alcohol. The spirit used should be colorless. Color with two ounces tincture of gamboge, and one ounce of burnt sugar. sifter, with one quart of water. Jllmond Cordial. Honey, two gallons ; clean spirit,

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