18 9 o’clock. The Day glides by, and sable Night appears — For Jesus’ sake, O God, our sins forgive! Preserve the Royal Family; And guard the people which this land eontains From danger of the Enemy! 10 o’clock. Master, maid, and boy, would you the hour know? It is the time that you to rest should go — Trust in the Lord with faith — and careful be Of fire and lighi; for Ten o’clock has slruek! 11 o’clock. Almighty God protects both great and small; His holy Angels guard us like a wall: The Lord Himself our city walches o’er, And keeps our bodies and our souls from harm. 12 o’clock. At th’ hour of midnight was our Saviour born — Great blessing to a world which else were lost! Then, with unfeigned lips, in prayer and praise Commend yourselves to God. — Past Twelve o'clock 1 o’clock. O Jesus Christ, we pray Thee, send us help To bear our Cross with palience in the world, For Thou art God alone! And Thou, O Comforter, Thine hånd stretch fortil: Then will the burthen light and easy be! The clock has stricken One! 2 o’clock. O gracious Lord, whose love for us was sueh That Thou should’st deign in darkness* to be born: All glory’s due to Thee! Come, Holy Ghost, and pour inlo our hearts Thy heav’nly light, that we may see Thee now And in Eternity! * Obscurity.

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