Trafika Europe 14 - Italian Piazza

About the Authors

of their new machines. The demonstration fails, but leads to the discovery of the frozen body of Jan De Ruiter, the Director of CEPS. Translated from Italian by Sarah Jane Webb.

TE14-04 NICOLA LAGIOIA Ferocity (novel excerpt)

Nicola Lagioia (born in Bari, 1973) began his career as an author in 2001 with his work Tre sistemi per sbarazzarsi di Tolstoj . In 2010, he won the prestigious Viareggio Prize for Riportando tutto a casa , and the Strega Prize in 2015 for

Ferocity . Earning the reputation of one of Italy’s best writers under forty, Lagioia contributes to Italy’s most prominent culture pages, directs the Turin Book Fair, and has been on the Venice Film Festival Jury. Ferocity is a thrilling novel that combines a mysterious death with

politics, family, and history. Since Clara’s death, her brother has learnedmore about her than ever before. He eventually uncovers the immorality surrounding his family’s climb to social prominence.

Translated from Italian by Antony Shuggar.


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