Trafika Europe 14 - Italian Piazza

TE14-05 FEDERICO FEDERICI Extra Passwords (Selected poems)

Federico Federici (born in Savona, 1974) is a physicist, a translator and a writer. He lives and works between Berlin and the Ligurian Apennines. His works have appeared in «3:AM Magazine», «Maintenant 3», and over nine others. He has won several awards for his works including The Lorenzo Montano Prize in 2009 for L’opera racchiusa and once in 2017 for his prose work, and has been translated into many languages. With the piece of music Brief aus Treblinka, he is currently taking part in the installation “res.o.nant” by Mischa Kuball, at the Jewish Museum in Berlin (2018-2019). While the majority of Federici’s work is in Italian, these works were written directly in English.

TE14-06 FRANK IODICE A Perfect Idiot (Novel excerpt)

Frank Iodice is a freelance journalist and writer , author of La meccanica dei sentimenti (2018), Matroneum (2018), Un perfetto idiota (2017), Brief Dialogue on Happiness with PepeMujica (2014), Le api di ghiaccio (2014), La Catedral del tango (2014), Gli appunti necessari (2013), I Disinnamorati


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