News Scrapbook 1973-1974
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• SYMPHONY CHA'.\IBER ORCHESTRA - • duct the orchestra in.3 ronccrt ·11
...SAN DIEGO Jes Ketcham w1 at 8 p.m Thurs ay m '- ar d Ch
Sunday, April 21 1 1974
. "SD's Camino Theater.
man and Susanne F[lden- maker received the highest point total for oral prescnta1. .
'15 p.m,
CHIFF - The violinist will perfor~ at Sd!I)' in the Grossmont High School Auditorium. IP CO"ICERT -
USO will present the
Rossi Scholarship Concert at 4 p.m today
...(;CtiOI R annua 1 . in the school's Cammo Theater. , JEAN TO E - Diego State faculty rec1 a school's Recital Hall.
The soprano will sing during a San ·t 1 at B tomorrow night m the
~:I~ Jolla.
The chamber ensemble will play at in Sherwood Hall, 700 Prospect St., La
The flamenco guitarist will perform . UCSD's Revelle Cafeteria. d
GEORGE VICK - at 8 : 30 p.m. next Sun ay rn
. L San Diego Slate·s annual Folk l Pl'lL- 1q7 , Esca'pe l 21- eaders D ep Bunk Bunker "that a man could get lo tin" and 90-yard putts w!'re some of the problems the University of an Diego golf team faced on its rf'cent tnp to Scotland. That was the report yesterday by USD Wilson and three members of his team who the gu . t.s at the weekly luncheon of the S a~t~s- Sportswnters Association at the Seven Sea's I t Lodge. The Toreros recently returned from w inm their di\ 1sion of the annual St. Andrews Collegiate Inv at1onal tourney as the first west coast school ever to brrng home a championship cup. Appearing with Wilson at USO, was m were team members Sandv Wilson as "a Kahn, Tom Murrell and the ball farth Buzz Srhott. ;l;1cklaus.'· Sch "Tlte traps on the St. An- this isn't really drew cour e (one al three coach and team used m the tourney) were so ed he was deep you had to crawl out on modest. your hand and knees " Pinned do kahii eported ' how far he · f you stood back five or drives, he sh six feel. ou couldn't see a led, "I guess pl nding in the trap. about 280 yards." \\ <"II he swung in an the !o'tt to get the ball out, rough on some of the three H' often you couldn't see courses (the other two being the club in the air." Gleneagles and as almost Double greens located impossible to walk through. back-to-back for two differ- "The brush was so avy ent holes also provided some and full or briers that you diff1cul11es, according to just didn't go after a ball hit Sctiott. there," he re, ealed. "You "I made a mistake and hit Just gave it up as a lost a ball to the far side of one of ball." them," he said. "I stepped it All agreed thr famed St. off and my putt measured 92 Andrews layout is not main- vards. he wind off the tained to any degree like · was so cold that many of the plush courses in ,ef)bb_p;- was wearing this country, remammg in- tfiC'ir Io has and carrving stead 'in a rather beat-up hand waf>n But ,t ·still condition with fairways so wa off 11nd we had a hard thPy were more like a ood im . table-top cover t1l en Schott. a husky s phomore paiiJt." :\-1 urrell described Center, Friends of Pala Mis- sion School, Children's Home Society of Cahfornia, University Hospital Auxili- ary, Palomar Memorial Hos- Four eaders in the build- ing and construction mdus- try will be honored at a dinner ~fay 30 sponsored by the. National Conference of eh r is t I ans and Jews Club and a past member of the YMCA board. He also served as president of the Executives Association. Ferguson is a member of the First Congregational Church. LABOR POSTS Henderson, business man- ager of thP San Diego Build- mg and Construction Trades Council until his retirement in 1973, joined Carpenter's Union Local 1216 in 1934. Twenty years later, he was elected secretary-treasurer and business manager of the San Diego County Council of Carpenters. He was vice president of the state Council of Car- penters six years and direc- tor of the organizing and education program for car- penters two years. In 1967, he was elected business manager of the San Diego County Building and Construct10n Trades Council and served in that capacity until his retirement He has served on the state Building Trades Council Board, the Joint Apprentice Committees and was secre- tary of the Carpent rs Group (Continued on B-4, Col. 3) pital, Freedoms Foundation (NCCJ), w Daniel Larsen, ~f Valley Forge, the Univer- chairman said yesterday. sity of San Diego Auxiliar,:. The maugural dinner to Children's Health Center,' raise money for NCCJ's ser- Angelitos Del Campo, Belles vices for youth will honor of Mental Health and NCCJ. Mrs. H.G. Fenton, Norman Ferguson, pre ident of D Ferguson, Armon L. California Electric Works, Henderson and C.A. Larsen. was named San Diego Indus- The dinner will be at 7 try's Man of the Year in 1971 p.m. in lhe Royal Inn at the and winner of the Lundberg Wharf. Award. He has been recog- .\lrs Fmton, a civic lead- nized nationally for his work er, is tt widow of H.G . on behalf of the electrical Fenton, I· nder of the H. G. industry. Fenton rial Co. and its RECEIVED AWARD president ntil his death in In 1966, he was a founding 1951. fellow of the Academy or LEADER Electrical Contracting. He She wa: amed one of the was awarded the McGraw Women I E:legance by the Award in 1964. Salvatior. \tmy in 1971 and Ferguson has worked with was honored by Temple the Red Cross, United Fund, Beth Israt I as Woman of San Diego Chamber of Com- Valor In • She also was merce, California Chamber made a Lady a f the of Commerce, Economic De- Equestrian Order of the velopment Corp. and San Holy ep hre of Jerusalem Diego Taxpayers Associa- b v the P a tr i arch of tion. Jerusalem. is a life member of the She has been active with Navy League, past president e spital and Medical of the San p1ego Kiwani UN10Al USIC A DIEGO SYMPHONY CHAMBER ORCHESTR by Charles Ketchum. Mus;c of Bach, Pendereck P•okof1ev Cam,no Theatre, University of San O,er, Apn; 25 800 p.m. 291-6480, ext. 354 . star signs ith U D • HlE' FELD QUARTET Mozart's B Flat Me1or Quartet, Eleetnoven's Quartet in B Flat. Opus 18, No. 6, and Borod,n's Second Quartel, Fine Arts Recital Hall, Grossmont College, Friday, April 26, 8 p.m. 465-1700. THE FELD QUARTET, Stanmitz's Quartet for Clarinet, Violi~. and Cello, Beethoven's Quartet No. 3, Opu~ 59, and Ovorak,s Quintet for Piano (Zoltan Rozsnyai as p,an,st). St. Peters Episcopal Church, Del Mar, Saturday, April 27, 8 p.m. CAL ARTS AFRICAN MUSIC ENSEMBLE, tradiUon?I music and dance of West Africa, they use percussion ,ns,ruments in- digenous to the area from which the music originates. 409, Matthews Campus, UCSO. Saturday, Apnl 27 at 8:30 p.m 453- 2000. extension 2095 VIOLA CONCERTO by Stanmitz, piano concerto by Beethoven, and concerto for organ and orchestra by Flor Peeters: Performed by the University of San DieQo Orchestra. First Unitarian Church, 4190 Front SI. Sunday, April 28. 7:30 p.m. 291-6480, ext. 354. THE FELD QUARTET, Beethoven's Quartet No. 3, Opus 59 Mozart's B Flat Major Quartet, and Borodin's Se_cond Quartet. St Mark's United Methodist Church, Sunday, April 28, 7:30 p.m. THE TRIO CAMERATA. Second ,n the series of Spnng concerts. ,twill include works by J.S. Bach and Handel. La Jolla Museum of Contemporary A_rt. 700 Prospect, La Jolla. Sunday Apn 28, 8 p.m 454-0183 MUSIC by Purcell, Kubik, Bennett, Perischetti, and others per- formed by SDSU's Men's Glee Club, Recital Hall, San Diego State Sunday, April 28, 8 p.m. Free. 286-5204. CLAS CAL ANO FLAMENCO GUITARIST George Vick. li:st in • Gu tar" series. Revelle Cafeteria, UCSD. Sunday, Apnl 28. 8.30 p_,,.. 453-2000, ext. 1391. BASEBALL: S.O. City College vs. Palomar Ttiursoay Apnl 25, 2:30 p.m 234-8451. BASEBALL; Padres vs. N.Y. Mets, Thursday, Apr Phil Fnday through Monday, April 26 - 28. ...t SO Stadium. (Sunday, 1 p.m.) 283-4495 t 5 D State, -71 /JN I oJ 1/-c).tJ BASEBALL Aztecs vs. U.C. Santa Clara, Smith Field, S.O. State. Tuesday April 30, 12:30 p.m. 286-5204 BASEBALL: Padres vs. Montreal Expos, S.O. Stadium, Tuesday and Wednesday April 30 and May 1. 283-4494. LECTURES AND TALKS * SELECTED POETRY READINGS by Dr. Lee Gerla~h. professor of English, USO. Salomon Lecture Hall. University of Safi Diego. Thursday, Apnl 25, 7:30 p.m. 291-6480, ext. 354. bA1I...V' ~,Pr Lf--;.."J.,-7~ An exhibit of South Asian folk costumes, fabrics, and the looms on which they were woven will open at Founders Gallery, University of San Diego, ~larch 25 and will continue through ~lay 3. The gallery will be open weekdays 10 a.m. usi~~j' 0 dff ;~in Variety Marks This W (Continued from E-2} and David Loomis Howard Hill will conduct the orches- for the 3 p.m. performance will be soprano Hallie Ne1II, tenor Jack Sheldon and bass Dennis Gay. Soprano Jran Stone, bass David Loomis and tenor , h idon will sing at 8 p.m. Recital Set By Organist l)r~anist Carlen<.' Befort will presrnt a recital at 8 p.m. Friday I St. Paul's ~:piscopal Church, 2728 Stxth Ave. T-ouring Guitarist, Lutist Moms Vllzrahl, a young musician who specializes m rla 1cal guitar and Renaissance lute music, will appe_ar at ,:10 p.m. next Sunday In the UCSD Revelle (',afetena tra , . Sol01st The appearance in San Diego comes national concert tour. *Madrigal ..,,,..~.,, .. Faculty Recital At SDSU Songs by Bellini and Mendelssohn and the. "Credo" · r from Verdi's "Otelia" will open baritone Joh~ Lasher's faculty recital at San Diego State University Saturday night. . _ Pianist Janie Prim will accompany the singer who will begin his program at 8 p.m. in the Recital Hall. o Return ichael Lorimer, t clas ical -guitarist who p1ayed before a rapacity house on his last visit to San Diego State University, will return there for an 8 p.m program Jn !\lontezuma Hall • -Stoff Photo by Bo, ry Fitzsimmons Darlmgcon House in La Jolla. M~r. John R. Porrman, left, stands wirh Mrs. deWirr H. Merriam, chairman of the evenr spon-
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