News Scrapbook 1973-1974
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At '74 Convocation '\fore thari 200 University of San Diego students were recognized y~sterday at the school's annual Honors Con- vocation.
awarded for the fall semes- ter by the James s. Kemper Foundation to business ad- ministration students Ruby Stringer, Joyce Weigel and Pamela Summers, a umver- · sity spokesman said. In addition, several stu- dents were recognized for campus service. St government winners Terry Jesmore and Alexa Luberski. The male and female outstanding students in a university-sponsored student activity were Archi- dalia Tsark and Rick Col- lins. . Melinda Blade and Chris- topher Redo where given the "his" and "hers" awards for outstanding contribution to the whole campus through involvement and a special award for unique contnbu- tion to the university over a four-year period was given to Debbie Cuyler for her work with a choral group, the Madrigal Singers. Joanne Higgins was recog- nized as the phomore woman who demonstrated unusual and un Ulsh ser- v.ce along with gOOd scholar- ship. And senior Colleen Mauricio, was given an aw3i:d for leadership, schol- arship and rv·ce
,Named as having the high• est academic avPrages in their respective classes were. seniors Raymond Gree nwell ~nd Mary Haefner; Juniors Lynne Fisher and Allen Massey; sophomores Mark Borchart and Grace Simmons and freshmen Jeff Clark and Susana Cohen. Students who ranked in the upper IO per cent of their class and students who maintained 3.5 averages in their majors were also hon- ored during the ceremonies in the campus Camino The- ater. Tuit10n scholarships were
Leonard L. "Barry" Lyons IV of La Jolla was named to Phi Sigma Tau :national honor society fo; philosophy, at the sixth annual University of San Diego Honors Convocation. Barry is the son of Mr. and .Mrs. Leonard L. Lyons III. A USD senior and a 1970 graduate of La Jolla High chool, Barry was presented the certificate f?r . membership by California chapter
moderator Patrick Hurley and president J ames w. Crossman. Phi Sigm a Ta u was founded in 1955 in order to encourage a professional spirit among all who have displayed ability in philosophy. Barry was also awarded class honors for main- taining a high-grade-point average for the scholastic year 1973•74 and ra nking in the upper IO per cent of his senior class.
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Law students get hono
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rary pOSl llODS 1975 , has_ been elected the r1ce:pres1dent of the Cali- ?r~.ia Law Student Asso- . as been elected reg10nal v1ce-pres1dent of d Black American Law ents Association. n congratulating each of · c1a ion.
Sundoy,Apnl28, 1974
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Rrcuard Stephenson class has been eiected
"THREE FOR TONIGHT" - Project Vanguard will present the program of drama, music, dance and ketches at 8 Thursday through Saturday night in the We tmln ter Presbyterian Church rena Theater, Point Loma. "WHO'S At'RAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF?" - Edward Albee's drama ·ill be presented at 8:30 Friday and Saturday rught m the San Dlegulto Little Theater on the Del Mar Fairgrounds. ZTEC AMBAS ADORS - The smgers will present a spring concert at 8 p m. today in the San Diego State Dramatic Arts Theater. AZTEC CHORALE - The Aztec Madrigal and Chamber Singers will perform at 8 p m. Friday in San Oleg State' Recital Hall. CARLENE BEFORT - The organist will give her senior recital at 8 p.m. Friday in St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 2728 Sixth Ave. • CHAMBER n;s1c - A string chamber music concert will be presented at 8 Wednesday night in San Diego State's :Wusic Building. CHORAL ENSEMBLE - The New Music Chorale En- semble Mil sing at 8 Friday night in St. Peter' Episcopal Church, D I Mar. COLLEGIUM MUSICUl\1 - Robert Forman will direct the chamber ensemble in a concert at 8 Thursday night In ·an Diego State's Recital Hall. "THE CREATION" - Haydn's work will be performed by the San Diego State Chorus and Symphony Orchestra at 3 and 8 p m. next Sunday in the school's Peterson Gymnasium. MARIE-MADELEINE DURUFLE - The organist will play for a dedicatory concert next Sunday at 7 30 p.m. in the First Presbvterian Church, 320 Date St. 'G OF CONCERTOS" - Guest and USD art1s1s will perform three concertos at 7. 30 p.m. today in the Fir t Unitarian Church, 4190 Front St Church, 3502 Clairemont Drive. HARP DUO RECITAL -The San Diego Chapter of the AM can Harp Society will present Bert Wells and Do ma Padgett in a 3 p.m. concert today in the San Diego The piano- ir duo v.ill perform at 8 tomorrow mght in room P-32, mar College. JOLL Cl\'IC/U 'IVERSITY ORCHESTRA - The h ra v. 111 prPsent a coffee concert at 8 p.m today at B op' i-hool, La Jolla JOH. LA HER - The baritone will perform ma faculty t,'ll.a' Saturday mght m the San Diego State Recital "A · EVE. ·1. FELD QUARTET - The String Quartet will give a concert tonight at 7 30 in St. Mark's United tethodlst man' Club, 2557 Third Ave. 1 CIIIKO AND DA. 'IEL KOBIALKA - Music
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New This Week
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Ing ande SChooJ career scor- assist marks durin ats U thSDree-year varsity stJnf PDmts and a leading th:ie th1s year in won-Jost re~~~rgs to a 16-11 NCAA playoff berth and an D former uso be Joined With Bickerstaff B ?J:ch Bernie tored Wasbin ic erstaff tu- hls Junior ef;on through hi . He posted a record of 519 19.2 aver . season At Washington t.he US guard Will •
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Wl!Jv Rosenblatt, class ot
New This Week
St. Adelaide church Hi hla d honoring Blessed Vi . ' Mg
n . special children's liturgy
May 25 and 9 and rfo~JO :rymatSMadsscs 5:30 p.m. Saturday, · · • un ay, May 26. presented $5,000 check Funds rom rece;.h::~;f,~erysrdfenth,. for hcampus financial aid. •~=--~--....:::.::::=.:..::_as 10n s ow. _ to ~"~'Zr°~~an Diego ~uxillary
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arne from behind to nose out U.S. International Uni- versity, 7-6, in a baseball game on the Toreros' dia- mond yesterday. Trailing by 6-2 going into the last of the seventh, USD scored once in that frame, pushed over three runs ii1 the eighth and tallied twi In the ninth to settle mat- ters. Bob Svelmoe blasted a homer with one on in the eighth for USD, then in the ninth Ted Schultz tripled after Liam McGee singled and Jim Williams walked Rick Garner's two-out sin- gle provided the winning run. Score: USIU......................IIIOlt-144 USO ...................... DOI 010 123-711 2 Patrick and Hanson; Baio, Mulvanv (3). Wooner (5) and Gerner. HR- Svelmoe (USO}, sighth, one on. vw QUI
New Thh Week
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NEW JUDGE SWORN IN Chief U.S.. District Court J udge Edward J. Schwaiil ft, swears m Victor E. Bianchini, 36, as a new part-time federal magistrate. Bianchini, who took office yesterda wLaas ~actuated from the University of San Diego School ~f w m 1963.
* Unlversity of San Diego School of Law an Donald T. Weckstein has announced uiat Richard Stephenson, class of 1975, has been elected governor of the Ninth Circuit Law School Division of the American Bar Assd. a nd that Willy Rosenblatt of the same class has been elected vice president of the Cali omia Law Students Assn . Also, Albert V. I?e Laon, class of 1976, has been named regi~nal vice president of BALSA, Black American Law Students Assn S ,O Pl>. I LY* t/eA-lll~R.t (°J !111g·. 1£4,,./~/Pf°J '.'What~ Positive Image Does fot Yot5,', Busmess Life," will be the sutject of a t~lk . by Dr. John Swanl a tions, at Ke/co Co .: and Dr. Dave Pettitt has assumed McNeely's former post as technical director . .. Dr. Edmund L. Keeney, president and director, Scr,pps Clime and Research Foundation, has been elected to the board of trustees of the University of San Diego ... Mrs. Yvonne Larsen of San Diego has been appointed to fill the remaining year of the unexpired term of George D. Hart on the Board of Trustees of the California State University and Colleges . Hart resigned earlier this year to become a member of the board of Postsecondary Education Commission . Wllllam A. Effinger has been appointed vice president of Shape/I lndustr,es , Inc of San Diego and manager of the San Diego Division . .. Dr. Clement J . Nouri, dean of the school of business administra- tion at the University of San Diego, has been elected president of the lndustr,a/ Relations Research Assoc of San Diego ... Roy E. Simon, forme r president of Presidio Advertising, has been named director of sales, adve rtisi ng and marketing at Four Way Equailzers, a division of Winner lndustoes Corp.. San Diego .. . J. W. Jamieson, treasurerand generalmanagerof the San Diego Navy Federal Credit Umon. has been appointed to a six-year term on the advisory boa rd of the National Credit Union Admm1strat1on . James C. Blnnlon, formerly executive vice president of Fremont Bank. has been named president and a di rector of California Hef//age Bank. scheduled to open later this year ... Carol Ann Hutchison has been named coanchor person for Channel 39's Eyewitness News. She is the firs t woman )o coa n- chor a San Diego evening news broadcast ... William A. Barrows has been promoted to vice pres ident of~ Installment credit in the San Diego region for Crocker Bank . . ·-ff - . nive rs1ty of San Die!JO will open a new era of nurses trai ning in San Diego this fall with the Philip Y. Hahn School of Health Science. The school i_s _named after a newcomer to San Diego who has given $1 m1lhon t_o the univers ity for creation of the school. It will be .the first time in this area that a bachelor of science degree wi ll be otte red to already-registered nurses. The program was established with the cooperation of the Coordinat- ,@y:.tJ~5 'ib&-Jlf ll#IJVJJv s/~ ~ Savings bank gives $ 0, 000 • Business School Gift Anno~nced Dr. Author E Hughes t d . r presrden! of the University' u en~ m business adm111-1 tstrat1on who have ex-' . m crest in banking• . s of San Diego , announced pressed · t usine,,s • nd finance f 81 o rhooJ · that thP ·, Ad l . . • . · ,· • . m mstral!on has received . a $30,000 gift from San Diego ' Tru st & ~avings Bank. He said $28,000 has been earmarked for the acquisi- ; hon of_ reference books and , $2,000 is to be used for scho- ' larshlps to undergraduate e/,.,_ -...., · ..5 • I l.. ) btJ.:5/J.JfSS i o~tJ~ j,///f //7/A)f.._ • • 54 5 ; 7 ,,( YI
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