News Scrapbook 1973-1974

Albritten Affi~rTis 9 - 71 He'll Stay In Race son Diego Union Stoff Dispatch CORONADO - Jesse Al-


OLLEGE RITES hJlo5)~!/lf Thou ands t Receive Degrees N arly 10,000 stud nts will receive de- grr · or certirlcat · In rommencemenl c r moni or San Di go univ rsitle and community colit'gt'.! beg.inn !l ' morrow .-uv1u , which v.ill run ugh June 16, will honor about 7,4 undergraduate and radunt student fro n an Diego late University, tJCsn the University of an Di go, Point Loma Colleg and United , tat Int rnattonal Umver 1ty Another 2,080 a City and Evening college stu• d nts w1U receive asso ·late of arts or a lat of r1e es degrees or certift• cates or protict ncy San Dlrgo tale has 5,047 students ehgl- hll' lo p, rtlcipale in the S<'hool's 75th annual commencement - the area'i. lar• g t graduating dass and a university record an Diego tale commencement cere- monI will b@ held al 7 p.m. tomorrow In th Aztec Bowl and will be highlighted by a kcyno d e by Dr Frank ewman. n wly appointed president of th Unlver I· ty ol Rh d J land. Susan J. Poto an English major from San Dl<'go, was lected valed1ctonan and Slepb n Soldo, a biology maJor from E condtdo, salutatmian They topped th list or 407 SDSU honor graduatf's



. Y}'\ u-Cj,

ABILITY, NEATNESS BASE ' Logan Plans To Install A 'New Look' At USD ick Logan was thumbing "All or my freshmen will through one of the Universi- #:IF-I~ be living in the school dorm~ ty of San Diego's football ...., 0 ,...,: and those who are quartered me programs from last off-campus may have to ason and stopped at a two-- make some adjustments in age spread of face shots of their type of housing." e Toreros players. Almost all of USD's offen- "I'm not very impressed," sive backfield of a year ago c new USO head coach ..,...,,__ is gone but Logan feels he observed. has some good ones coming He wasn't speaking of the in. Among these are running lent displayed in front of backs Terry Camgan, an Im but rnth r of the ath- All-CIF player from Bishop · I te'• eneral appearance. Amat; John Butler from It wasn't the long hair, the Twentynine Palms and beards and the moustaches Louis Perez from ~oorpark. t~at drew Logan's remark. At least five quarterbacks e photos looked as though are on the pre-fall roster ttiey had been taken after an including Mike Spooner from unusually tough, dirty and San Diego CC. "He throws a eaty practice session fol- ..._____ good ball and is a very lowed by a trip through a DICK LOGAS coachable young man," Lo- wind tunnel. 'ti bl b' , gans enthuses. ''I don't know if those pie- • · · runs g s •P "We have tough sched- tures were intended to ere- players. I try to sell all my ule with several Division II ate some kind of image." the players on the school, show schools on 1t," the coach new coach related, "but it's the new players around the relates. "We start_ out with not the kind of image I want campus, through the build- Cal State orthrtdge and on my team. My players' ings. We have a beautiful they come about as close to pictures will be with shirts place here." Division I . libr~ as any and ties and they will be To that end, Logan has team m their d1vis1on. CA ~k new approach Logan and thi> school semors and the rest has definite gulde me . I m a university are taking to- junior college transfers. book man and that's the way wards its football program "It was kind of scary when we v.111 play football." The former San Francisco I first took over here," he -----~ State assistant has his work remembers. "Everything

Top player Buchanan picks USD Selected player of the All-Western League baseball pl~y~r team University Htgh s David Buchanan will ~oil at t,Jniversity of San Diego this fall. . Buchanan was th~ third- leading hitter In the county with a .456 average. He was named to the all-star club for the second stra~g t year. Four University P~Y rs were picked on UJ All- Western League team. USD also disclosed today Casey Clark, from Patnck Henry High, will enroll with Buchanan. He played base- ball and basketball for three years with t~e Pa- triots, batting .444 this year to heIp his team wm th e county championship. ~!- Western League team FIRST TEAM Rondv Hogan. Unlver~Js'· Sr., ,3S6; Davld Ltfl, Keornv,J;·• 319; Frankie Stevens, ~~ 1 if• .Ao'i out li:?d P~m~i~utttoOOn. Un versltv, Sr. 456· Steve Splitt. ClOlremont i', 386 .- Se;.,ard Wlllloms, San Diego, r ., ..110' Catcher - BIiiy MIies. Keornv, Sr ..·. .OJ. Pitchers - st;~ 61 ~':sWo 1; Ctoi~emo~; Jj.-_. Ii, Nolle- IJr\lvetJ ~~dS~6-3. 't1tllih' ....., ack R bldovx, Jnlvers1tv.SS~c0Wo TEAM Infield _ Fronk Shuman, Modi Sr• Jr 338 Grodv Fuson, Keornv •· 365. · Te:rv Gre-oves, Point Loma. •• 273: Tom Sturdivant, untvers1tv, Jr,~ .:nK) Outfield - Ste"e A~sto.._9flre mont, 312, Sr.; Phil Sevene, "s-~- J 32 _.. John carter, KearnYw r • · c~tcher'- Dale Ell_er, Clo remont, Jr. 356 Pitchers - 8111 Jo$ffihl K~mvi J M. Vince Oieda, San D ego, r /·Gary Stogsdill, c1olr~monl, Sr, :-3 u'tllltv -Tom Pike, Pomt L.oma. r ' the year on Infield -

Albritten acknowledged that his altered decision to drop out of the race, in • which he had been the sole Republican candidate, had gained him additional news coverage, but he denied it was solely a publicity stunt. His Indecision, however, attracted another Republl- can into the race. Wllliaer an Vleck, a rofessor n a a n verst y o San a o resident, aflhounced that he was a write-in candidate In the GOP primary. To have his write-in votes • counted, Van Vleck will have to pay the $211.20 filing fee and notify the registrar of voters and the retary of state. The registrar's office said yesterday he tad not notified them of his Intention yet, but he had until June 'J:/ to do so.

britten assured the Republi· can Women's Club here ye• sterday that he was staying in thf' 79th Assembly District race against Assemblyman Peter Chacon, D-Coronado. Albritten, a Negro tax con• sultant, had announced last month that he was dropping out of the contest because he felt race was becoming the only issue. He later said he would let the Coronado club make the decision whether he stayed In when he spoke to their regular luncheon meeting at Mexican Village. The club members were not called on to actually ex- press an opinion as a group, but Albritten told a reporter that in talking to them Indi- vidually he determined that "they had no objection to me representing them."


··- 6" 1 ly 7_t/ iversity ol an Uiego · ~A.IJl~IU. ff~

auxiliary insl\.a lation

Mrs Thomas Brad~ of Point Loma will be installed as president of tht' l!nivcr ti of San Diego Auxiliary ..t noon Thursday in the !:ill1on Hoon. Bal,ta Holl'.'I fr Paul Vesto and Mrs. Frank O Connor are co-cha1rmrn ol the spring lunchc n. \\ Illiam Yancey. !Vlrs

university president. auxiliar:i members. The l1lm ol the University of San Diego will be shown . '.\1rs John Waters, Jr.. will present a check for the school" s fin;rnrial aid program. realized from the fall lashion show presented by the auxiliary will greet the Proceeds were

UCSD M.D. Degrees

Thomas llolnws first nee pres1tjent and Mrs. Ross Tharp. second vice president. also of Point Loma; Mrs A H. John Waters. jr.. corresponding secretary and Mrs, .Joseph Brock. treasurer Mrs. Joseph Brock. Mrs Dominic Depietn. Mrs John Handley and Mrs Joh1 Mikkelson. serretarv: recording :Vlrs

cut out for him this fall. was of such a negative na- .Numerous members of the ture. There didn't seem to be USD alumnt in this area a single positive aspect I were demanding a winner could point to. two year· ago. And Andy "I had to keep assuring Vinci gave them what they prospective players that the wanted. school was not dropping foot- USD oompiled a 9-2-1 rec- ball. It had been written in ord last year and came with- the papers and reported fu a shoestring tack!e of other places that the school reaching the title game in was thmkmg along those the • CAA Division III lines. playoff . ·'But, the school never did The Toreros were tops in make any statement or any the nation in total offense for such idea. Still, I had to do a their di\ ion with 441 yards lot of talking to convince per game and quarterback people we would keep the Bob Duhch was the passmg football program." offense leader with a mean Logan's new approach or 231.'7 yards. doesn't mean he is in favor But there were many who of downgrading the grid pie- questioned Uie reported tac• ture at USO. tics with which such success "I'm sure Vinci and I both was produced and the post· are in favor of a strong season wa~ filled with con- program," he insists, "but I troversy which was culmi- guess you would have to say nated by Vmci quitting his I'm going at it in a different post last D cember manner." · Whether by accident or de- Logan's squad will be a Sign only a small number or young one but e sees sever- players, approximately 69, al advantages o such a situ- from the I 3 roster will be ation. returning this year. "Last year·~ team had to "Th~ nes will be average about 22 years of back are real b u

JSO. HONORAILE MENTION Cloh·embnt - Ron Molino. Joh!l Bell, T Fronklln. K~mv OOYe F it1oer- o~ Phll ThOmP n, RICk Tovlor. MKJd~ . JUQl'I as. Steve O\Jrgonc, ~ooer Jud'v; Po nt Loma - Ke.., "· Staf- ford,. Ste-Je Vorgas, Tom We fe, son OieQO -M ke Morrow RudV P R:• Wil e er !i1 m tvet"lftv m '



outgoing conduct



ceremonies. Dr Arthor Hughes . the


boa rd






officers will

include Mrs.



Gar> aor

reservations. Fo informat10n, phone 291-648( extension 354 Music Highlights: Michae'i(Q;(mer ---· t I,,, ""1 Ei\lT/All:L s--1-71- ni ersity , "b,n-' "Prelude;" Johann' ing the the role of the Amen- t} •rger's "Tombeau for can musical as an educator r Blancrocher;" Bach's in human nghls, will be pre- "Suite in D Major;" Joaquin sentrd at 8 p.m. today and Turina's "Fantasia SPvillia- tomorrow in USD's Cammo na;" Segovia's "Estudio Sin Theater. Luz " and Isaac Albeniz' Created and directed by "Zambra Granadina " Robert Austin, a voice in- Ethnic Heritage structor at USD, the revue will include songs from hit musicals such as "Porgy 0 p :t.. nt a musical .,

Muir, Rev lie Rites Dr. Murray Goodman, acting provost at Re\f'lle. will direct his college's ceremo-- nies at 12.30 p.m on the Revelle Plaza. Bagpipers will mark the graduation cere- momes at Mu.r College, be mning at 1 30 p. m in the college courtyard. Provost .John L. 'tewart will oversee the activtties. UCSD's graduate students will be honored at 7 p.m. June 16 at a reception at the umversJty' International Center. Two hundred t:CSD graduate students are eligi- .1)1 for degrees. ~--rhe University of San Diego will hold two ccremorues tomorrow to honor the 540 stud nts elig1ble for degrees from that private university. At noon, Superior Court Judge Charles W. Froehlich Jr. will deliver the com- mencement address at thf' San Diego Civic Theater for 235 law students. Dr. Jonas Salk, director of the Salk Institute In La Jolla, will deliver USO's keynote address to 305 undergraduate and graduate stud nts at 3 p.m. tomorrow at the San Diego Civic Theater. San Diego's newest college, Pomt Lo:na College, will conduct its first graduation ceremoni on the former Cal Western campus at 2;30 pm Monday for 155 llglble students. Point Loma College, formerly Pasadena College, purchased the campus from USIU

-::,.. the "- mvei:sity of San Diego will be f... , the setting. for a studrnt all- "'?<) mcd1 cxh1bil10n Ma~ 10-,1 The gal ry is OPC'n w e ·dan fr m 10-4 p n d by ;,p,.omtment The cxhibiliori of art Judged -........ · st student work by La Jolla 4) · !aria Lench will consi t \ vaned media bv university f"-.. art students. Awards will be : presented to stx students al the \I') 7 p.m. reception May 10 in the Gallery. Founders Gallery at

The Elizabeth Waldo En- and Bess," "Carmen semble will perform an eve- Jones" "Finian's Rainbow" ning concert of music in- and "West Side Story." spired by America's Indian, Spanish and Mexican heri- . tage at 8 in the Kearny High Aztec Singers ! School Auditonum, 7651" Wellington Way. l . The concert is being co- ent a concert at 8 tonight in sponsored by the San Diego the school's Recital Hall. Dr. Evemng r.olle Associated Jack Sheldon, professor of Students ar.d their Commu- music will direct the sing- nity Services DPpartment. ers The ronci•rt will consist of madrigals by Morley, Weelkes and WHlaerl; con- 'Carefully Taught," a temporary Ameriran works comic musical revue depict• by Hennagin, Berger and The San Diego State Aztec Chamber Singers will pres- Musical' Revue

••••••••••••••••• . •r- A • AA'<. "11- • •! •~ Pl}BllcA1io/{_o:if : 1 : .SAC"ffD T ! :~ \cam-~ k~l\ : .. , .... ~- .......

will be installed formally as pastor of the First Christian Church, Oceanside. The Rev. Ewart H. Wyle, minister of the Torrey Pines Christian Church,

show nets $5000 Dr. Author Hughes. president of the Uni\·ersll_v ol San Diego. accepted a cheek recent]\- tor $5000 lrom \!rs. John \\ aters The lunds. which will be used tor linanc1al aid. were raised at a fashwn show sponsored b_1· the L"SD Aux1l1an and coordinated b1' · :\!rs Waters · The presentation was made at the annual spring luncheon at the Bahia Hotel Officers installed tor 1974-75 were president :\1rs Thomas Brad,·. first 1·1c-e- pres,dent. :\irs Thomas Ho! mes. second 11ee- president. \Ir: Ross Tharp ; recording secretar_1· \Ir· A H :\I I k k Iese n corre ·ponding secn•tan . :\lrs John Waters. and treasurer \lrs Joseph Bru<'k Board nwmbcrs el,•cted for two H·ar terms are La .Jollans ~!rs Emil Babas1 and \!rs. ·James Case\' and :\1mes. J )s!!ph Bennett llt-ltn Anr Bunn. .James Dan.· and Edw111 Fergu ·on • La Joll,,n \lrs. Thomas I\ l'lir chaired the nom,na11ng c:0111m1tte • :\fr. \\1llia111 Y,mcc.1 pre 1dt•d at tht• luncheon. aur~ EI... C/?I/


USD LAUNCHES CATHOLIC LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIPS LEO T, MAHER, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese ot SD and chairman of the Board ot Trustees, University o! San Diego, and DR. AUTHOR E. HUGHES have· announced the creation ot a new program, the Catholic Lead- ership Scholarships. It will begin Sept 197~•••USD will award renewable scholarships annually to one fresh- man and one junior transfer student from each or the 12 Deaneries of the Diocese of SD, a total of 24 Cath- olic Leadership Scholarships. Each Scholarship Will have a value of 1500-$1000 per year, depending on the financial need of the recipient. ••• several additional Catholic Lead- ership Scholarships will be awarded on an "at-large" basis to the strongest runner-up nom1nees ••• 1n addition to the usual admissions and financial aid papers required by USD tor its nev students, appli- cants tor the Catholic Leadership Scholarships must be recommended by the pastor or their home parish, 1n order to be elfgible •••According to President Hughes, "It is hoped that this new program will assist the middle-income family for which there h-e no financial aid programs." ·······················----- - . .

S3Q,OOO for USO )business school University of San Diego's i.., School of Business Adminis- tration has received a SJ0,- ~000 gift for business refer- ~ence books in the univer- \..jsitv's Copley Library and for ·scholarships. . I "ft D In announcmg I 1e gt . r. Author Hughes. USO presi- dent. noted ii will strengthen the university's new masters program in business admin- istration. Nearly all of the gift, 528,000, will go for the library collection and $2,000 for scholarships. The grant came from the San Diego Trust and Savings Bank.

f/11-l/ 1191'/ THE. SAN DIEGO UNION Mrs. Brady New President Of USD Aides


Socia.I Sketcnes by Allene Fall is

lf/ JtUA '-f

Mrs. Thomas J. Brady of Point Loma will be installPd : as p'resideJJt of the Universi• ty of San Diego Auxiliary at noon, Thursday May 9, m the Mission Room of the Bahia Hotel. Mrs. William Yancey;out- going president, will conduct • the ceremony. Mrs. Paul A. Vesco and Mrs. Frank J. O'Connor are cochairmen of the installation luncheon. Mrs John E. Handley and Mrs. John H Rippo are ac- cepting reservations.

Rev. John Storm will preach the sermon, "Together to God." The Chancel Choir of Torrey Pines. under the direction of Prudence Wyle, will sing two anthems. The choir will be ac- compa ni ed by its own organist, Mrs. Dorothy MacElhose. The Rev. Charles A. Malotte of Glendale, ,=.....,.,.·""""'· ter of the

t l D

Jt-Baccalau reate Mass JI ay 31

r 1t

traditional Myha!'1,



½ University of San Diego chaplain, Msgr. Donald F 1-.. Baccalaureate Mass will be Doxie, pastor of St. Brigid 6 -t_ said May 31 at 8 p.m. in the Church in Pacific B~ach, ::::r Immaculata (on campus). and the clergy who are The Mass will be con- members of the USD '.J celebrated by the Rev. John faculty

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