News Scrapbook 1973-1974
..J&lll;lfr Thursday, June 13, 1974_______ 2_3_ Mrs. John Frager to chair USD 25th anniversary dinner
S" . ~,l'l.!i/?~ Religious -studies head, chaplain n.amed at USO The University of San Diego has appointed a ne" chairman of its religious ed theology and doctorate degree\.
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nive sity
Mondoy, June 17, 1974
Mrs. Frager Chairs USD Birthday Fete
plans dance and dinner
also of La Jolla, will act as Mrs. Frager's co-chairman for the invitational party. Mrs. Frager announced her chai ·men, Las Patronas de 1 a Univer- sidad, as follows: Mrs. Emil J .Bavasi, invitation coordinator ; Mrs. Thomas J Brady, campus direc- tory; Mrs . Helen Anne Bunn, music co-chairman; and Mrs. Frank Burns, secretary. The actual date of the charter of the University was Oct. 26, 1949. The August event will be one of many celebration planned .
Aug. 28 event. Mrs. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Dessert of El Centro. ALa Jolla resident, she and her husband have four children. Mrs. Frager is a past president of the All Hallows Guild and a former member of the All Hallows Board of Education. She is a member of the Juniors of Social Service, Children's Health Center, the Globe Guilders, Scripps Hospital Auxiliary and the Multiple Sclerosis Auxiliary; Mrs. William H. Schmidt, Frager is
Mrs. John D. Frager, an alumna of the University of San Diego, has been selected as chairman of a progressive international dinner and dance which will
FATHER DOLAN, a 1962 USO grad uate. studied ~t Gregoria n University tn Rome for hi~ theology de- grees. He received a Ph.D. from th University of Ot- tawa. Ontario, in 1973 when he returned to teach at USO. Msgr. Portman continues a, pastor of lmmaculata chapel, USO campu s, and as chairman of the Diocesan Ecumenical Commission. He also is president of the ~an Diego County Ecumemcal Conference .
studies department and a chaplain-director of campus ministry. Father Norbert J. Rigali , SJ . relig ious studies faculty membe r, was appomted the department 's chairman. suc- ceedin g Msgr. John R. Portman who resigned after being chairman since 1971. FATHER L urence P. Do- lan, also on th e religious studies faculty, is USD chaplain, succeeding Father J ohn Mvhan, OP, who has been a,,-igncil by his Domini- can w penors to a parish in Oregon . Jesuit Father Rigali was educated at Santa Clara and Gonzaga universities and th e Unive rsities of Innsbruck and Munich where hi! receiv-
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Dr. Author .I!;, Hughes, p esident of the University of San Diego, recently ~cepted a check for $5,000 from Mrs. John A. Waters. The funds which will be used for financial aid to USO students were raised a a fash ion show sponsored by the USD Auxiliary, and chaired by Mrs. Waters. The presentation was made at the annual spring luncheon held at the Bahia Hotel. 'Officers installed for 1974.75 at the luncheon were Mrs. Thomas J . Brady, p esident; Mrs. Thomas Hpln:ies , first vice- ~es1dent ; Mrs . Ross 'Pfiarp, second vice- P. esident ; Mrs . A.H. ikklesen , recording s;icretary ; Mrs. John A. Wtlter , corresponding retary ; and Mrs. Joseph ;Brock. treasurer. iBoard members elected for two years are La J ollans rs. Emil Bavasi and Mrs. J mes Casey, and Mrs. J eph A. Bennett, Mr . Helen Anne Bunn, Mrs. .{ame R. Davis and Mrs. ~dwm O. Ferguson. , La Jollan Mrs. Thomas .K elin chaired the nominating committee.
Mrs. John D. Frager celebrate the 25th an- niversary of the charter of the University of San Diego. The USO Campus will be the setting for the
'- C IAIRMAN lrs II> John D. Frager, a Uni vers1ty of San Diego alumna, will rhair a I') progressive mternat10n- w al dinner-dance set for Aug. 28, to eel brate the 25th anniversary of the charter of USD. lr . W1ll1am H chmidt of Parifir Beach ~111 be tl'e cocha1rman of th event. t;SD received its charter Oct. 20, 1949. -
Serve other p-eople, protect sanctity of life
Thur day. Jun!' 6, 1971
Southern Cross Reporte University of San Diego graduates were challenged last Saturday by their commence- ment speaker , Dr. Jonas Salk, to dedicate their lives in service to others and Jive with a " generous spirit of hope and enthusiasm. " The world needs this " generous spirit," he said , which " helps penetrate the wall that separates people-a wall that blocks the painful present from the fruitful future." DR. SALK, founder and director of La Jolla ' s Salk Institute for Biological Studies, urged the graduates "to do all within yo r power to contribute no only to your own advancement, but to the advancement of those who look to you to help reduce the problems that exist in your community, nation and world. " Do all within such limitations as exist to create opportunities and advantages not only for yourselves but for others as well to be free and independent. '' Dr. Salk addressed 389 seniors at USD's 25th anniversary commencement in the Civic Theater, attended by about 1,000 people. EARLIER THE same day, the USD School of Law held its ·17th commencement in the same place for 235 graduates with Superior Court Judge Charles W. Froehlich of San Diego County speaking on professionalism in the practice of law. He asked the new lawyers whether it was time to re-examine the so-called "sacred cow'' practice of throwing out in crimi al court illegally obtained evidence against a defendant. The judge urged them "to accept the age-old challenge of the Jaw, that of nonconformity and independence in approach to problems, the job of continual review and analysis of existing principles, guarding and preserving those that remain vital, and discarding or reshaping those outmoded .'' , HONORARY DOCTOR of Jaws degrees were awarded to Dr. Salk, Judge Froehlich and to Col. Irving Salomon, member of the USD board of trustees and long-time benefactor who is retiring this year as USD lecturer in political science. Bishop Leo T. Maher, chairman of the trustees ' board , addressed both commence- ments. Speaking to the law school seniors he questioned the belief that one cannot legislate morals into Jaw. " Of course one cannot create moral conviction by Jaw," he said, "but one can protect and support it by Jaw. This is done all the time, as our laws in support of freedom of speech, laws in restraint of violence. torture. coercion, discrimination and injustice will attest." THE BISHOP CALLED on the lawyers to work for laws to protect "the weak against powerful and wealthy commercial interests exploiting sex for profit." He pointed to the Tum lo page 3 Is 'Old' Jerusalem · . Israel's or religions'?
IV, Deborah L. Martinson and Marie Mikkelsen Dr. Jonas Salk, director of the Salk I stitute at Lil Jolla, keynote speaker, was awarded an honorary doctor of aw degree as a Col. Irving Salomon, former United Nati n widersecretary. Salomon, a USO trustee, is retiring as a lecturer in political science at the university.
John> E ikel, J m Ken• n th Lyons and Paul Robert Smith. "ine other La J otlans were among the 389 senior and graduate awarded degrees. They were John Michael Best, Richard Anthony Ghio, Neva K. Gnggs, Fred H. Lar · n, Richard tandwood Ledford , tephen Parke. Lukase , Leonard LeB ron Lyons
The Unive · n Diego award d 624 degree or cerhf1cates, 13 to La Jollans, n two parate c remomc Swiday at the Civic Theater. uperior Court Judge Chari s W. F roehlich poke on pro onali m during comm nccment c remonies for USD' chool of Law . La Jollan recei t ,ng law d rees were Cry tal • onnell , Mary A. (Mrs. ity of
SOUTHERN CROSS, J uly 11 , 1974-9
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Lecture D-Saturday, July 20. 8,9:45 p.m. or Sunday. July 21 , 1:30-3:15 The course is sponsored by the diocesan CCD _adult educatton office. More mfor- mation 291-7614.
Ju ly IJ . 10· I I :45 f.rn Lecture B- Saturday. July 13, 8-9;45 p.m. or Sunday, Jul y 14. I 30-3 IS p.m. Lecture C- Friday. July 19. 8-9:45 p.m or Saturday, July 20. 10-11 :45 a.m.
WHEELCHAIR GRADUATE-David C. McCarty, confined to wheelchair with paralysis, is embraced by his wife Candy after being awarded a law degree at the USD commencement . A captain in the Air Force with four years of active duty in this country, McCarty entered the USO School of Law three years ago. But for the last seven months he completed his education in a wheelchair-unable to walk because of a spinal ailment.
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l ·1he complete ~ched ulc. 1.cclure A- Friday. July 12. 8 g 45 p.m. or Satu rday, Recital set as benefit • 'GOD-GIVEN CHARACTER ' - Col. Irving Salomon is congratulated by USD Pres i<:lcn: Dr. Author Hughes after receiving honorary doctor of laws degree at last Saturday ' s commencement in Civic Theater. Looking on is Bishop Leo T. Maher who participated in the presentation. Col. Salomon , USD trustee, was honored for "a life devoted to public serv·ce ano philanthrophic work " and for his " God-given character ." -SC.: ph(ltos page 7
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