News Scrapbook 1973-1974
VA A U'1ll0tJ f ss1gn Assistants To Colleges
USO graduates 6~4 in dual ceremonies From page 1 "grave responsibility facing you to resist the attack on the sanctity of human life generally, and abortmn in particular-an attack which threatens our very society. "It is threatenerl by the growing and now almo t endemic violence of industrialized and urbanized society. It is threatened by the growing callousness about human h~ , the growing insensitivity to the horror of assassination, n urder and violent death, which are the inevitable consequence of continuing violence and anarchy. "To men for whom human life is not sacred, God is nl>t sacred either. indeed God is no longer their God." TO THE USD GRADUATES, Bishop Mahe tres ed he oneness of the world and the inter-dependence of it ~pie. "We cannor live without a nucleus of univerpll lid human norms, some universal agreement on "hat are the ingredients of human dignity, some universal acceptam:c of the fact we are all inter-dependent and must start with the basic fact we are one human species." Dr. Author E. Hughes, USD president, speakm t both commencements, warned against private :and slate un_iversitics compe ing for donations and gifts m the prtyate sector of so 1ety. OTING THA~ ATHOLIC and other private universities arc "heavily dep ndent" on private donations, he said, "the competition of public institutions funded by public funds appears to be of considerable threat to our potential. "The pie of private dollars, it appears, w 111 b cut into many more pieces, either the availability of funds tq the private institutions will decline, or competition for them will increase dramatically." Dr. Hughes called for "a forum for an intt:rdiange or dialogue" between private and public universities. "Certainly it is essential to short-circuit any kind of controversy which, if allowed to fester, could only b,e harmfu• to the stem of higher education as a whole." USO law school valedictorian was .Jack I. Mann, summa cum laude graduate. Honors also went to JS other law, nwrs and to 21 USD graduates with bachelor degrees Also, 84 of the USD graduates received teaching credentia
Mas Slated For Sister Aimee Rossi Friends of ister Aim Rossi, Dean Emeritus of the University of San Oiego, are Invited to attend Mas~ a of- fered for her at 5p.m. today, Aug. 25, in Founders Chapel at USD. A reception will follow in the French parlor. Sister Rossi lJ be leaving San Dlego at the f'nd of this month to begin residence at Oakwood of the Sacred Heart in Menlo Park Sister Rossi has lived on the Alcala Park campus since 1952. Sh<> joined the Sacred Heart Order in 1918 and served academic dean of the San iego College for women (now the University of San 01 go) for 15 years. An honorary Doctor of Laws degree was lbestowed upon her by USD in 1972.
campu '. Their dutws w1U .tnclude helping veterans enroll for fall courses and resolving any problems v.ith pay- ments. hlle th repr n- tallve I not ab! to write rh <::ks to replace missing benefits, they will help rut li tape, Ramsey said. CHECJ{,S GIVEN The veteran education and training. r~presentalives will de!iveti dvance payment check t vering the first two months' allowance when the veteran register, Rams y said "Vet reps" will be as- signed to campuses on the basis of one per 500 veter- ans. 4ATSD San Diego State University will have four representa- tives, Grossmont Colle~e, four; Diego Evening College, t ree; San Diego City liege, three; South~ 'rn College, three; Miram, ollege, two, .u,w;_ versity San Diego. ope; UcSO, one, and one United States Tn rnational Univer- sity, one Other campuses include Palomar College, three; MiraCosta College, two; Riversid City College, three, UC-Riverside, one ; College of the Desert, one, Mt. Jacinto College, one, and Imperial Valley College, two. Two area pediatricians are among 206 in the nation elected to fellowship In the erican Academy of Pedi· tries. They are Dr. Ronald G. Lehman of San Diego and r. David R. Schmottlach of la Vista.
Ranch run for sports enthu~1asti, and "those less athleticallv inclined" ill be offered Aug 24 and Aug. 25 by Co1. and Mrs. Irving Salomon at their Rancho Lilac near Escondiclo. They ask for "western garb or casual <.lress" and Ii t as "what's doing": horsebaek riding, swimming, in- spection of registered cattle and horses, tennis or ping pong and for. Qthers bridge, canasta, billiard6 or just lolling In the sun or shade." The Most Rev Leo T. Maher, D. D., Bishop of San Diego, has extended invita- tions requesting presence of guests at the "solemn investiture of Sir Knight Irving Salomon, LL. D., D.H.L. into the Order of the Knights of Saint Gregory proclaimed by His Holiness, Popf! Paul VI on the twenty-sixth of May." The concelebrated mass of Thanksgivi Immacu- lata, University of San D , 5:30 p. m. Aug. 23, 77th birthday of • o 1 Salomon. A reception will follow.
Eight parishe;;d;;a~;;' ;;~d~nts attend USO
Our Lady of Guadalupe. S~n Bernardino; St. Anthony s. National City; Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. San Ysidro, and St. Margaret Mary's, Braw- ley. shOW TICKETS at S6, S5 and $4 and dance tickets S4 a person at theater box office and Metro-Ticketron agen• cies. More details: 235-6291, 236-6500.
two groups-the Chica~o Generation and Suare-w11l mclude the crowning of a Fiesta Queen. Nine girls- one from each sponsoring group-will compete for the honor. Sponsors of. the benefit, be ides the Hidalgo center, are St. Jude's, Our Lady of Guadalupe and Christ the King, San Diego; Our ~ady of Guadalupe, Chula Vista;
lO p.m. in the Atlas ball• room. Tu,rn and Country lfotel, Hotel Circle, b th San Diego. ON HA O to donate their tal nts at the show will be nthony Quinn, D' i Arnaz and Dc,i Arnaz Jr., Pe?ro Vargas, Hermanas Aguilar and other stars' plus man• achi music. The dance, with music by
~II, /914
vOpinion Jesus Christ and the USO campu If "Jesus Christ i at the University an Diego," and readin Sister Agnes Murphy's w rds (SC, June 20) reassure e that he is, then much o credit beautiful
Murphy espoused the spiritual climate of the uni- ,crs1ty. Like her, I hope these ideals prevail in pro- tecting the Christian spirit and the Catholic identity of USO. However, the recent re,i nation of Msgr. John P rt• man as chairman of the department of religious tud• ies suggesh to me that there might be an identit cri is on the hill. As one who is concerneo with the present direction, of USD, I wonder f in vi of Sister Murphy's beautiful vision of a Catholic campus where she hopes the name of Jesus Christ is "honored. invoked, and loved," was the re ignation of Msgr. John Portman really necessary? j Margaret Gooding ____....._,an Diego some ideals as to
mu,t go t, Si\lcr her fellow memb Religiou, of the Sa d Heart commumt\' "ho have helped staff that institull n since Its foundation. As a former student nd late administrator, I gre , to kntlw and admire the zeal. interest and overwhelming love which the RSCJ's lav- ished-along with their mon- ey and considerabl talents -on U D. Here' hoping their presence" ill be felt for )'Car, to come Rev. Mr. Bari') E. Vln)ard St. Jo eph's church B ,stow Was resignation of Portman necessary? In po mg the question "I\ Jc,us Christ alive on the USO campus'!" Sister Agnes
HISTORIC CLASS AT USD- Bishop Charles F. Buddy, founder of the University of San Diego, now marking its 25th anniversary, is shown in this historic picture conducting one of his Information Forum classes at USD's More Hall. Father Charles Dollen of Poway, former USD librarian
t,!IO~ I P'/71/ Conrad
Concert · Soprano Karen Hartman, baritone Robert Leuze and the Decorative Arts Trio will perform a concert at 8:30 p.m. today 1n the USD Cami- no Theater as part of the 50th Anniversary Interna- tional Conf rence of Joseph Conrad Sch Jars bemg held here. The concert o n to the public. · Miss Hartman and Leuze, accorppanied br piam~t Marjorie Rohfle1sch. 1U sing works by Menotti, Verdi, Mozart, Gounod. Don- izetti and Leona(d Bern- stf'in. After an intermission, the Di>coralive Arts Trio - pian- ist Liliane Chaney, violin)st Paul Severtson and cellist Ronald Robboy -wlil play compos!lions by Henry Cowell and Ravel. An exhibit of Conrad first editions and other materi!lls will be on display at the mterm1ss1on.
l\lrs. Binder Bmder-Kcnnard
Kathleen J. Kennard, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Don Kennard of San Diego, and Timothy R. Binder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Binder of Cincinnati. ex- changed marriage vows July 27 in All Hallows Catholic Church in La Jolla. The bride 1s a graduate of Claire- mont High School. Her hus- band is a graduate of the University of California at Irvine and attends Universi- ty of San Diego Law Schoof.
Mrs. Ross Thorp is the irmon of the University of Son Diego's benefit luncheon and fashion show November 15, at the Vaca· tion Village C'onvention Center. The luncheon fashion show is lo benefit the scholarship fund of the university. · ;·/, /: 6-!3Nr I Iv EL "i 13 7/
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