USD Magazine, Summer 1999
SEPTEMBER 7 Undergraduate classes begin. 9 Institute far Project Management. "Project Risk and Quality." 6:30-9:30 p.m. Thursdays throughout September. Olin Hall 226. (619) 260-2258. 10 Mass al the Haly Spirit. Noon, The lmmaculata Church. 13 BusinessLink USD Annual Stale al the University Luncheon. President Alice B. Hayes forecasts the coming academic year. 11:30-1:30 p.m. Hahn University Center Forum B. (619) 260-4690. 26 Salute la Women's Athletics. 6:30 p.m., Sports Center pool. $75. (619) 260-5916. OCTOBER 1-3 Freshman Family Weekend. Seminars, family activities and celebration Mass for freshmen. (619) 260-4808. 2 Yale Faatball Game. 7 p.m. Torero Sta– dium. (619) 260-4803 for tickets.
4-7 "Building a Culture al Peace:' Scholars, community leaders and international peace workers will join faculty, staff and students for workshops, panels and plenary sessions on creating a culture of peace
JULY 50th Anniversary Gallery Exhibit. "Alcala Park: From the Ground Up," through Nov. 15. 12:30-4:30 p.m., weekdays. Founders Gallery, Founders Hall. Sports Camps. Through Aug. 6. Ages 6-18 camps include swimming, basket- ball, soccer, baseball, soft- _ ball, volleyball, tennis, ~--:' :/? ' rowing and lacrosse. · 0 • • ·,_ ; • Adult ~rog~ams includ; '; _.:_·· _ ;:. ;/ ~ , masters swim, womens ··, · ;·:· · , basketball, tennis and · ' · triathlon camp. (619) 260-4593. Web page at 19 University al the Third Age. Through Aug. 5. Tai Chi and lectures on political issues, medicine, arts, music, literature and more. Ages 55 and up. 8 a.m.-noon, Mon.-Thurs., Manchester Executive Conference Center. (619) 260-4231. 30 "An Intimate Evening with Culhare Clash:' With comedy troupe 18 Mighty Mountain Warriors and The Gilbert Castellanos Trio. 7:30 p.m., Shiley Theatre. $10 and $15. Repeats 7:30 p.m., July 31. (619) 260-4650. 31
and social justice. (619) 260-4681. &
Jaan B. Krac Institute far Peace and Justice Groundbreaking. 4 p.m., West Point Field. Celebrate with Joan Kroc and keynote speaker Richard Riley, U.S. secretary of education, construction of the USO institute dedicated to peace studies. (619) 260-4681. 7 Institute far Project Management. "Project Thursdays throughout October. Olin Hall 226. (619) 260-2258. 15-17 FaD Family Weekend. Seminars tailored to the needs of upperclass students and their families, social gatherings, Mass and Parent of the Year award. (619) 260-4808. 15 Institute far Project Management. "Fundamentals of Project Management." 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Hahn University Center. (619) 260-2258. NOVEMBER 12-14 50th Anniversary Hamecaming Weekend. All-alumni reunion, Tailgate Party, football game vs. Wagner College. (619) 260-4819. Cost Estimating and Fore– casting." 6:30-9:30 p.m.
50th Anniversary Community Party. 11 a.m. - 6 p.m., West Point Field. Bands, children's storytelling, sports clinics, food and merchandise vendors. (619) 260-4659.
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For a complete listing, click on the news and events section of USD's Web site at For more information on arts events, call (619] 260-2280 unless otherwise noted.
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