EDA Annual Report 2013-2014

Established in March of 2009 by the Board of Supervisors, the Office of Foreign Trade (OFT) has already made significant contributions to our business community and stands ready to assist businesses in exporting products, goods and services to nations around the globe. It assists business owners, corporate officers, investors and entrepreneurs with export and import assistance with the objective of creating new jobs and investment within the county. Office of Foreign Trade

Established Diplomatic Trade Relationships The County of Riverside has trade relations with 70 countries. In China alone, the County has relationships with eight provinces.

Trade Agreements This year the Riverside County Office of Foreign Trade successfully took a national lead in support of the Transatlantic Trade Treaty between the U.S. and the European Union. In addition, the OFT took the initiative to gather support for the Transatlantic Trade Treaty from the over 3000 county members of the National Association of Counties (NACO). In partnership with the European Union, the County hosted a celebration of this support in Riverside County.

Foreign Trade Zones Riverside County expanded three of four Foreign Trade Zones (FTZ): • Northwest Riverside County • Eastern Riverside County (Palm Springs) • Southwest Riverside County • Western Riverside County (Part of the Los Angeles FTZ) • A 5th FTZ is in the approval process for 4 Winds Tribal Coalition in 2014 sponsored by OFT Partnership Agreements The Riverside County Office of Foreign Trade established a formal partnership with the U.S. Trade and Development Agency that will help develop ties with emerging nations. The Office of Foreign Trade also partnered with Export-Import Bank of the United States which offers business assistance in securing financing for exports through the bank.


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