1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)

190 Cocktails. Churchwarden. —Pour on a roasted lemon 1 bottle of mulled Roussillon; add 1 pint weak tea, sweetened with \\b. sugar. Chorister. —Beat up the yolks of 3 eggs with 3 tablespoonfuls of cold water; add when beaten up, stirring the while, a mixture made with \ pint of white wine, 2 drops of balsam of Peru, 2 oz. of sugar, and \ pint of water, all made hot. To be drunk while in a state of froth. COCKTAILS are compounds very much used by " early birds " to fortify the inner man, and by those who like their consolations hot and strong. " Cock- tail " is not so ancient an institution as Juleps, &c, but, with its next of kin, " Crusta," promises to maintain its ground. Brandy or Gin Cocktail. —J pint of brandy or gin, J gill of Curacoa, 1 tablespoonful of bitters, J gill of ginger syrup, 1 pint of ice ; mix with a spoon; moisten the rim of the tumbler with juice of lemon. Brandy Do. —J pint of brandy, 2 fluid drachms of essence of ginger; sweeten to taste, and fill up with hot water. Whisky Do. — Piece of lemon-peel, 2 fluid drachms of tincture of calnmba, 2 drops tincture of capsicum, J gill of whisky; infuse these, and strain.; add 1 pint of ice; or drink warm, if preferred.

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