1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)

Cocktails, Juleps, 8fc. 191 Whisky Cocktail. — A gill of whisky, 1 tea- spoonful of bitters, 2 drops essence of cinnamon; sweeten with syrup ; add Uh. of ice, pounded. Cider Cocktail. —1 pint of good cider, sweetened to taste, slice of lemon, -J- pint of shaven ice, or iced aerated water, 1 drop of tincture of calumba: further improved by a tablespoonful of Curacjoa. Crusta of Brandy, Whisky, or Gin. —Peel a lemon to the core, in one large curl; put this in a goblet; add pounded sugar, brandy, and ice, or other spirit. Juleps. —Of this class of drinks, that nectarous compound " Mint Julep " is the most popular in this country. It is an especial favourite with the Americans, especially down South. It was first brought into vogue here by Captain Marryat, who, in his work on America, says :—" I must descant a little upon the mint julep, as it is, with the ther- mometer at 100*, one of the most delightful and insinuating potations that ever was invented, and may be drunk with equal satisfaction when the thermometer is as low as 70°. There are many varieties, such as those composed of Claret, Madeira, &c, but the ingredients of the real mint julep are as follows. I learned how to make them, and succeeded pretty well. Put into a tumbler about

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