1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)

Juleps, 8fc. 193 Gin Julep. —4 sprigs of mint, 1 gill of gin, -J gill of Maraschino, 1 pint of pounded ice; use straws. White-wine Julep. — Two or three sprigs of mint, J oz. of sugar, J pint of any kind of white wine; fill up with shaven ice; lay a slice of lemon on top, with pounded barley-sugar ; use straws. Season Ticket —Put into an ice pitcher 1 bottle of cider, 1 gill of good lemonade, 2 glasses of dry sherry, 1 teaspoonful of orange-flower water, 3 sprigs of mint; sweeten to taste; add lib. of shaven ice. Mulled Egg-wine. — Beat up an egg with 3 glasses of sherry and teaspoonful of sugar; add some grated ginger, and carefully J pint boiling water, stirring the while; grate on a little nutmeg before serving. Sleeper. —Boil in J pint of water 6 cloves, J oz. cinnamon (bruised), 8 coriander seeds, 1J oz. sugar; strain, and add juice of J lemon, and \ pint of old rum; break the yolks of two eggs in a basin; pour in the mixture gradually, whisking the while; when well frothed, strain through a sieve into a large tumbler. Locomotive. —Make 1 pint of red Roussillon or Burgundy nearly boil; beat up 2 yolks of eggs with o

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