1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)

American Sensations. Stone Wall- Equal quantities of brandy and shaven ice; add bottle of iced soda-water. Saloop. —Make a decoction of 1 oz. of salep ; strain ; add 1 pint boiling water. Rumfustian. —Put } bottle sherry in a sauce- pan ; add \ oz. bruised cinnamon, \ grated nutmeg, 3 bruised cardamom seeds, 2 oz. sugar, thin rind of lemon; well digest by side of fire till nearly boiling, during which whisk up yolks of 3 eggs, with 1 pint of ale and | pint of gin; when ready, pour the sherry in through a strainer, stirring the while. Prima Donna. —Beat yolk of 1 egg in a glass of sherry; add a very little cayenne pepper. Hour Before. —Wine-glass of dry sherry or Madeira, with a dash of Boker's or Angostura bitters. • Ribs. —Gill of Cognac brandy; gill of shaven ice ; tablespoonful Arabic gum syrup. Ice-Cream Soda- Water. — Equal quantity of fruit syrup and cream ; double the same of shaven ice ; add bottle of soda-water, and drink off. Citing Ghing. —Gill of old rum, 1 sliced orange, 1 drop of essence of peppermint, 2 drops essence of cloves on sugar ; mix in soda-water tumbler ; fill up with pounded ice. Tickle my Fancy. —Boil together 1 gill of lemon-

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