1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)

Ale Posset, 199 juice, 1 pint of calves-foot jelly, lib. of stoned raisins, Jib. of sugar, 1 pint of water; when cool, add 1 gallon of cider; strain with pressure; add to this liquid a liqueur made by macerating, in a quart of brandy and pint of raisin wine (or sherry), cloves, cinnamon, ground ginger, lemon-peel, equal weights, as per strength desired; strain with pres- sure ; filter clear. Apple-Water. —Boil 12 pippins and 1 quince in 2 quarts of water; strain with pressure; add honey or sugar. Apple-Water. —Bake 12 apples and 1 pear; when well baked, put them into a pitcher; add thin peel of a lemon, 1 oz. grated ginger; pour on boiling water ; strain with pressure when cool. Aleberry. —Mix 3 spoonfuls of fine oatmeal with quart of old ale; boil, strain clear, and sweeten; add juice of 1 lemon, J grated nutmeg, some powdered ginger, \ pint of grape wine ; put a toast of bread on the surface of the liquor. Ale Posset. —To a quart of ale add a round of buttered toast; let it soak in the ale; grate nutmeg on the bread, also sugar; and 1 pint of sherry; serve hot. " Arf-and-Arf." —The London mixture is, J pint fyc.

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