Million Air May-June 2018

elite traveler MAY/JUNE 2018 89

B ISATE LODGE , RWANDA OPENED JULY 2017 A number of incredible properties are opening in Rwanda, making it one of 2018’s most-talked-about destinations for luxury travel. Among these arrivals is the latest lodge fromWilderness Safaris, which focuses on introducing travelers to the region while pioneering conservation and community projects — it planted more than 15,000 trees before it even opened. Located at an altitude of 8,700ft, the camp lies within the amphitheater of an eroded volcano cone on the edge of Volcanoes National Park. This thrilling setting gives the lodge and its six forest villas easy access to the park’s gorilla-trekking headquarters, as well as the privacy of being among the trees and sweeping views of the region’s volcanoes. The architecture and interior design were inspired by Rwandan tradition, with domed thatch villas echoing the shape of Rukari Palace and decor incorporating the same emerald green as the forest, circular stone fireplaces, patterned textiles and private decks with woven railings. In the cool evenings, dine on slow-cooked, healthy-but- hearty dishes fusing Rwandan flavors with international influence, paired with wine from a cellar featuring a chandelier made from 358 glass bottles. THE EXPERIENCE After tracking Rwanda’s mountain gorillas and experiencing the lodge’s conservation efforts first-hand, join Bisate’s barista for a Rwandan tea-and-coffee tasting. Both crops flourish in Rwanda’s temperate climate. Here, you can try different top-quality brews amid the undulating landscape they originate from, while listening to the stories behind their production. From $1,155 per person per night. Contact Rob and Ingrid Baas, general managers,,

Photos CrookesAndJackson

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