1934 Cocktail Bill Boothby's World Drinks and how to mix them


PUNCHES With Which Are Included COOLERS THIRST QUENCHERS This particular class of beverages is best suited for serving in the noon or warm evenings. They are popularly known as "Thirst quenchers. Any of the recipes given herein may be enlarged into a party beverage by increasing each ingredient in proportion to the number of guests to be served. and Other



1 jigger Rum

1 dash

Water 2 spoons Stir all, but rum, well with ice and strain into highball glass. Add lump of ice, decorate, dash rum over and serve with straws. 1 jigger Sweet-Sour



Yt jigger Rlim

54 jigger 2 spoons


1 dash Sweet-Sour

Seltzer Shake all, but Champagne, well with ice and strain into goblet. Add lump of ice, seltzer to fill, dash Champagne over and serve with straws.

B. A.


1 jigger Maraschino 3 dashes Champagne

54 jigger

Absinthe to fill Shake well with ice and strain into chilled goblet. Add chilled Cham pagne to fill, decorate with bits of fruits and serve with straws.

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