SPSFAM Heavy Metals ERP Book

AOAC Stakeholder Panel on Strategic Food Analytical Methods Report on the Heavy Metals Expert Review Panel


Conclusion: The Expert Review Panel reviewed five (5) methods relating to Arsenic Speciation. These methods were reviewed against AOAC SMPR 2015.006, Quantitation of Arsenic Species in Selected Food and Beverages. Methods Reviewed: Each method collected by AOAC for consideration by this ERP was assigned a primary and secondary reviewer. The decisions of the March 14, 2016 ERP are shown below. ERP Members Present: Rick Reba, Nestle (Chair); Michelle Briscoe, Brooks Applied Labs; Min Huang, Frontage; Farzaneh Maniei, Coca-Cola; Bill Mindak, FDA; Jenny Nelson, Agilent; Jenny Scifres, USDA; Christopher Smith, The Coca-Cola Company ERP Members Absent: Sneh Bhandari, M é rieux NutriSciences; Cory Murphy, CFIA; Li Sheng, EPL Analytical Services; Darryl Sullivan, Covance Observers: Joe Boison, CFIA; Min Huang, Frontage; Greg Jaudzems, Nestle; Sookwang Lee, FDA; Elaine Marley, R-Biopharm; Josh Messerly, Eurofins; Paul Milne, Keurig; Bill Mindak, FDA; Deepali Mohindra, Thermo; Jenny Nelson, Agilent; Lawrence Pacquette, Abbott; Melissa Phillips, NIST; Steve Tennyson, Perrigo Nutritionals; Socrates Trujillo, FDA; Jason Wubben, ADM; Dorothy Yang, Agilent Technologies; Jinchaun Yang, Waters; Chunyan Zhang, Abbott I. METHODS FOR CONSIDERATION:

AOAC Method #

Manuscript Title & Organization

ERP Decisions


Decision Date March 14, 2016

ARS-01 Title: Analytical Method for the Determination of Various Arsenic Species in Rice, Rice Food Products, Apple Juice, and Other Juices by Ion Chromatography- Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectrometry.

MOTION, Mindak/Nelson, not to move ARS-01 to First Action. 8 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstained. The motion passed.

The ERP agreed not to take action on this method at this time. The ERP suggested that the following actions must be completed before this method can reconsidered for First Action Official Methods status: • Arsenic V contamination must be addressed.

Organization: Covance

Demonstrate use of internal standards Use of alkaline carbonate is a concern Should address total inorganic AsB peak is split. This needs to be

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