SPSFAM Heavy Metals ERP Book

AOAC Expert Review Panel for Heavy Metals 

ER 5 Yes, the data review is included in the AOAC provided article (Journal of the AOAC International  Vol. 100 No4 2017) in tables 1 and 2.   There is a typo in Table 2 ‐ the heading for DMA is given  as n/g instead of ng/g. The attachments also contain statistical results. The statistical review for  the SLV is in Journal of the AOAC International Vol. 99 No4 2016. ER 6 yes ER 7 Presented in Table 1 in the following published report of the MLT study. Kubachka and  Heitkemper (2017). Multilaboratory Validation of First Action Method 2016.04 for  Determination of Four Arsenic Species in Fruit Juice by High‐Performance Liquid  Chromatography–Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry. Journal of AOAC  International Vol . 100, N o . 4, 1077‐1085. ER 8 yes Please cite below the OMA Appendicies, Community Guidance, or  SMPR by which this  method was reviewed against.

SMPR 2015.006 Quantitation of Arsenic  Species in Selected Foods and Beverages

ER 1 ER 2 ER 3

SMPR 2015.006

AOAC SMPR 2015.006

1)AOAC SMPR 2015.006: Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs) for  Quantitation of Arsenic Species in Selected Foods and Beverages  2)AOAC OMA 2016.04 Final AcƟon Requirements – Method Author Response  3)AOAC OMA 2016.04: Feedback – Manuscript Review 

4)AOAC OMA 2016.04: Feedback – End Users  5)AOAC OMA 2016.04 Revised Method Redline 

ER 4

The method performance was examined against SMPR 2015.006. The reproducibility meets the  SMPR. The data on a few samples with low concentration of analytes under 10ng/g have large  reproducibility.  The official method should indicate the LODs for each analyte, since some LODs  will be close to 10ppb and not the lowest determination listed in the supporting data.  Since  there is incurred DMA in these samples at very low levels, the method authors included the  data, but these DMA concentrations are below the method performance range.

ER 5 ER 6 ER 7 ER 8


AOAC SMPR 2015.006

AOAC SMPR 2015.006 Based upon the feedback submitted, are there any recommended changes to the AOAC First  Action method as written? ER 1 Yes ER 2 Yes ER 3 Yes ER 4 No ER 5 No ER 6 No ER 7 No

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