1862 The Bartender's Guide price $2,50 by Jerry Thomas



bag with 1 ounce of ground mace ; fill up with the juice until fermentation is over, and add l\ gallon of good port wme. Filter. (See No. 3.)

397. Wine, Rose.

10 gallons of water. 30 lbs. of sugar. 1} gallon of red rose leaves. Boil for 2 minutes ;

when lukewarm fill

up a keg



it in a warm place ; ly with the liquid

up constant-

add 1 pint of yeast ; fill

till dissolve ^ drachm of otto of roses in 2 ounces of alcohol, 95 per cent., and mix it with the above wine ; strain ; color rose ' with the tincture of cochineaL Filter. (See Nos. 3 and fermentation ceases;


398. Wine, St. George.

5 gallons of dark red claret. 5 do. piquepouil. Mix ;

add 1 gill of spirit of raspberries, 1 gill of spirit

of lemonbalm, and 1 gill of spirit of orris-root.

399. Wine, Sherry.

4 gallons of high-flavored sherry wine. 6 do. plain wine. Colored with coloring. (See Xo. 88.)

400. Wine, Tokay.

4 gallons of tokay, best quality. 6 do. plain \Tine. Sugar and color to suit the taste.

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