1862 The Bartender's Guide price $2,50 by Jerry Thomas



435. Grape Synip.

1^ pint of water. do. sherry. I lb. of elder flowers. 3 lbs. of sugar. Made the same way as violet syrup (see No. 434).

436. Haspberry Yinegar Syrup.

31 lbs. of sugar. 1 pint of raspberry juice. 2 pints of vinegar. As in making raspberry syi'up (see No. 422) white or red fruit may be used. White raspberries, however, re- quire the best loaf sugar and white wine vinegar, so as not to discolor the syrup. Clean the raspberries ; mash them in a pan, and put in a warm place, for a day or two, until they ferment ; strain them, and pour in the vinegar ; strain again ; add the sugar, and boil to the "pearl" (see No. 13). Another plan is to take whole raspberries (say 2 lbs., 1 1 pint of vinegar, and 2 lbs. of sugar), and put them in the vine- gar, and stand the jar, well-covered, in a shady place for 10 days. At the expiration of this time filter the mixture add the sugar, and place the jar in a pan of hot water, and boil gently. This mode preserves the finest qualities oi the fruit, which are not partially lost by boihng, as in the previous method.

Coffee Syrup.


1 pint of cofl*ee. 2 pints of syrup. Make a strong decoction of Mocha colFee, very clear, to

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