1862 The Bartender's Guide price $2,50 by Jerry Thomas




Ratafia of Green Walnut Shells.

200 walnuts, 10 pints of brandy, 4 lbs. of sugar, 1 drachm of nutmeg, 1 draclim of cloves. Choose 200 wal- nuts so young that a pin may easily go through them pound them in a mortar, and infuse them in the brandy, with the nutmeg and cloves, for a month ; after that time strain the mixture through a flannel bag, filter, and bot-

tle it.

455. Angelica Ratafia.

4 ounces of angelica-seed, 2 ounces of the roots of angel- ica, 10 pints of brandy, 1 drachm of cloves, 1 drachm ol cinnamon, 4 pounds of sugar. Pound the ingredients coarsely; dissolve the sugar in water, and add it to the mixture ; infuse it in the brandy for a month ; strain it through a bag and filter it.

456. Ratafia of Red Pinks.

3 lbs. of pinks, 10 pints of brandy, 4 lbs. of sugar, 1 drachm of cloves, 1 drachm of cinnamon. Pick off the green from your pinks, pound the leaves, and infuse them for a month in the brandy, with the cloves and cinnamon after this draw off the liquor and filter it.

457. Balm of Molucca.

1 drachm of mace, shreded. 1 ounce of cloves, bruised. 1 gallon of clean spirit (22 under proof).

Macerate for a week in a well-corked demijohn or jar, fiequently shaking (see I^o. 5); color with coloring (see No. 88), and add 4i lbs. of lump sugar dissolved in ^ a gallon of pure soft loater

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