with Sri Ganesh

Aum Namo Bhagavate Aum Namo Bhagavate Aum Namo Bhagavate Let there be true Collaboration So the earth may be saved For the Work of the One –

Aum Namo Bhagavate Beautiful Ganesha, May you be a channel For that Collaboration...

- 12-03-14:

... Once again I had to remove a large advertisement banner which had been hung in front of the wall, this time for some new restaurant in the area. But I can’t very well remove the aged lady who seems to have taken residence on the roadside, only shifting position according to the shade and, I think, sleeping on the covered porch at night; she is emaciated and very bent, with cunning eyes and a high-pitched voice, and keeps by her side two large plastic carrier bags with bits and odds and spare clothes in them. Whether she has been thrown out of her family house, or she is an exile from Sri Lanka, is not yet clear, but people somehow bring her good food and give her money, and some local ladies stop and talk with her, although she is not from this area... For the first week or so I had to shout at her a little as every day I would find the tumbler missing at the tap and would have to replace it. But now this has stopped...

Today Sri Ganesh you appear In your Active mood –

Whether you are blocking Or setting things right, One senses always That your reasons for doing so Are beyond Any influence, or any Concession


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