with Sri Ganesh

To any being or power, But exclusively attuned

To the Shakti’s Motion of will, To the One’s –


And in your act, It is your joy To let Earth Nature

Offer Her gifts And Her Love...

- !3-03-14:

... Rs. 10/- are offered...

Ganeshji, Champion of Her Love and Harmony, Even when humanity is governed By the crudest egoism And the earth is subjected

To the vilest misuse, Still you hold the fire Of happy certainty And joyful service, While your ancient eyes Watch and know –

The Time will come, The Time is coming...

Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 14-03-14:

As you stand in each and all planes, Sri Ganesh, One may have access to you From the grossest to the subtlest –


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