with Sri Ganesh

Patient and Conscientious And Thorough, Yet light of heart And a knower

Of all facts, Sri Ganesh, Let there be Collaboration...

Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 24-04-14: Darshan Day. It is 94 years since You returned to Pondicherry and actually began the joint sadhana with Sri Aurobindo. It is also, this year, Elections Day and everyone has gone to vote; the roads are almost silent... Yesterday evening P came here to offer the Rs. 100/- which he had been forced to accept from the local political representatives doing the rounds of the village family homes. Even though the regulations have supposedly been much more stringent, things have cheerfully gone on as before and the amounts distributed all round have even increased and many people have even taken payment from both sides of the fence... ... Rs. 30/- have been offered...

Sri Ganesh, Lovely Ganesha,

All forces have to join To honor the One Path And serve Its Increase, Ganeshji, All forces must join...!

Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 25-04-14:

Aum Namo Bhagavate Sri Ganesh Aum Namo Bhagavate


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