with Sri Ganesh

Let the Path Grow And Increase Aum

- 26-04-14:

... My daily contact with humanity at large occurs through the interface of a public tap of clean and sweet water, a stone bench in the shade, a rubbish bin, a flowering shrub and a little grass, which I provide and maintain, at the gate to the compound. Hardly a day goes by that I do not have to fight and chase away a wave of discouragement, disgust or helplessness, faced with dominant callousness and insensitivity. Today for instance I found that someone had simply pulled out a whole brick from one of the borders to use it as a support for his water-can under the tap and not even bothered to put it back in place,,, And at the same time, through the media, or through actual events, one gets the shriller and shriller warning of some sort of catastrophic undoing of the environment, the earth about to become inhospitable for mankind as well as numberless other species... At this point of accelerated evolution, one cannot assess the misery and the betrayals taking place... But today also, a local laborer came in with a beautiful and genuine offering of a freshly plucked green coconut, delicately opened up... Meanwhile campaigning is still going on in several other States; it is astounding that not a single one of these political figures, from any Party or any allegiance, has the courage, honesty and elementary decency to tell the people that such pattern of “development’, mainly based on manipulated consumerism, as has been plaguing the country is not only simply and plainly unsustainable but is a sure way to destroy all chances of harmonious progress upon earth... ... Rs. 40/- have been offered...

Sri Ganesh, Mahaganapati, Trustee of creation, All forces must combine Their action, There has to be Resorption And Transition,


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