with Sri Ganesh

- 29-04-14:

... While collecting the strewn rubbish around the gate area, I get wounded by a thin shard of glass from a broken bottle of Brandy and it bleeds on and on... ... A, M and V come in to pranam on their way to Bangalore and A offers Rs. 1,000/-...

Sri Ganesh, To all in genuine need You can be The welcoming Friend And trustworthy Intercessor – There is no judgment In your presence, But a sifting And winnowing That are indispensable For the clearance...

- 30-04-14:

... Rs. 10/- are offered...

Sri Ganesh, Reclined and Buoyant In the Five Elements You are seated, In your flowing robes, A gentle, watchful King, Caring for each and all, Yet impassively Poised...

- 01-05-14:

... This is the mechanical and dumb force of religion – stifling and choking the spirit... He may think he has found a cheap and easy way to appear as a good and devout man in his community, since everyone knows that he prays to Lord Ganesha every single day... But I just


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