with Sri Ganesh

wish I could do something really wild to make it clear to him this is not working... However, once again, who am I to judge?

To do the offering, to go through Its motions, Is to consecrate the life of the world –

It is to attune To the Presence In each and every element Of the infinite Whole –

Sri Ganesh, The Bridge of Aum

- 02-05-14:

... The heat is rising day by day. ... Rs 20/- are offered...

Aum Namo Bhagavate Uma Putra Sri Ganeshaaya Namo Namah The Two Principles In you are combined, For the freedom, Exactness

And richness Of expression In all the worlds...

Aum Ganapataaya Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 03-05-14:

... The sun is a terrific blaze...

It is as if today, Sri Ganesh, You were looking down


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