with Sri Ganesh

The Hall of the Ages, Perfectly poised, vibrant And Calm, Jeweled with the timeless Powers That act through time –

There is balance And there is

The high refinement Of an eternal soul...

Aum Tat Sat

- 04-05-14:

P does the puja. Early morning, it rains...! It is a good rain, from a cloud mass that sailed in from the South East, accompanied by a few strong lightning bolts... In the last two weeks all over Tamil Nad pujas were held to call for rain....

- 05-05-14:

In the hours before dawn and well into the morning it rained, an excellent rain: it is such a relief...! ... When I reach here I find the elderly lady, who has been camping across the road for some time now, has moved into the entrance porch with her plastic protective sheet and paraphernalia, blocking the gate with a whole mess of things; when I make it clear she has to move, she does so immediately and shuffles back across the road, dragging her belongings along. I wonder why I find no inclination to offer any little help to this person – who is clearly not a very “nice” woman, with sharp, cunning eyes... There ought to be, I suppose, some sort of charitable movement on my side, but there is not a trace...! I observed several people stopping by her and either giving her money or food packets and I still don’t know any of her story; she is perhaps indeed a refugee from Sri Lanka...?

Magnificent, Strong Ganesha, You share today The Nectar


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