with Sri Ganesh

Of a Reddish Golden Fruit, It is your crown And your flame And your care For the true prosperity Of the Path Given To the One...

- 06-05-14:

A little rain came before dawn, which continued as a light spray till mid-morning, a very restful time. ... Rs. 10/- are offered. Yesterday I transferred another Twenty thousand from the AV Acc to the GAN Acc.

Sri Ganesh, you seem to be Giving today some clear Encouragement, It is beautiful and definite...

Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 07-05-14:

... It has rained several times yesterday and again early this morning and the garden is very content and everyone is relieved...

Very Active, Like a King moving abroad, Riding into every part, Observing, Evaluating the needs For the Work – You travel and see, Your mantle of light trailing From your shoulder, You show You care...


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