with Sri Ganesh

- 08-05-14:

... There was some more rain yesterday and, last evening, a strong squall; this morning a few brief showers have come already... The grass is green again and new buds are already showing on every branch; the Patience tree is dropping hundreds of its tiny star-like delicate blooms on the polished stone floor of the Lingam and their fragrance is all over the garden...

There is in the Rhythm Of your Appearances, Sri Ganesh, As if a perfect Circularity, Which is both movement And Plenitude, And its beat is Red And Glad And Tender –

Thus is your poise So expressive, Lovely Ganesha...


- 09-05-14:

... There was a little more rain last evening; this morning large patches of blue sky are showing... ... Rs. 10/ are offered...

Sri Ganesh, What Refined, Happy Elegance...!

You show that, since all is Energy, Whenever caring and respectful relations Between the parts Are established, There is thriving harmony –

An harmony that ever generates


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