with Sri Ganesh

informed me. I have to be very sharp about it, though, as these guys are all bullies, for them to remember some respect. Then they agree to move their board across the road, borrowing a crow bar for the purpose. ... Today Kusum would have been 88. ...Rs. 10/- are offered...

Sri Ganesh, Jewel of Nectar Aum

... When the two return the crow bar, they tell me that, if it had been someone else instead of me, they would have beaten him up... But we shake hands in friendship... In the afternoon AV Selvam and Parthy come here to replace the fused bulb over the gate, for which we spend Rs. 170/-.

- 11-05-14:

It is P’s day to do the puja; a Western visitor comes in and a few others and Rs. 40/- are offered...

- 12-05-14:

... Rs. 10/- are offered...

Festive is your Chariot, Sri Ganesh, Bursting with Red And White As you pass Amongst the people, And your smile is deeper For those who can still Seize The true meaning Of Prosperity...



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