with Sri Ganesh

- 13-05-14:

... The air is now steamy hot... It will be ten years tomorrow since Kusum passed and I am formally in-charge of this place – this shrine, this garden, this service. My experience of it is undergoing some change presently – I need the offering to be completer, for there to be more receptivity. This must evolve.

Namaste Ganeshaaya...

- 14-05-14:

... Rs. 10/- are offered...

Lovely Ganesha, Sri Ganesh, Ganeshaaya, Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 16-05-14:

... Rs. 510/- have been offered...

Sri Ganesh Namaste Let the True Consciousness Incarnate in the world

Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 17-05-14:

Yesterday afternoon the Elections results came out. BJP has won absolute majority and Narendra Modi is to be Prime Minister. Here in Tamil Nad, Jayalalitha has won 37 seats out of 39 for her Party, the AIDMK, which has now become the 3 rd largest in the country. In Pondy, Rangaswamy has won for another term as Chief Minister. ... Rs. 20/- are offered...


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