with Sri Ganesh

Aum Sri Ganesh...

- 09-06-14:

... The sky is wholly grey, the air is cooler after a slight drizzle in the night, it is restful... ... Yesterday, Sunday, while P was doing the puja and some gardening work with Parasu, Rs. 10/- were offered...

High King Ganapati, Seer and Warrior, Treasurer and Servant Of Her Worlds, Wide and unassailable

Is the Peace You inhabit, King Ganapati, Yet piercing Is the Fire of Love In your breast... Aum Namo Bhagavate...

- 10-06-14:

... Rs. 20/- are offered...

Ganapataaya Spirit of Creation, How much destruction

And betrayal Can be borne

Before the Path Is clear and true And the Lord may walk Unhindered

In One’s Love...?


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