with Sri Ganesh

Ganapataaya, You hold the secrets, You wait, In Harmony...

- 11-06-14:

... A strong drying breeze has risen in the West, shaking every leaf... There is much work to be done in the garden...

Weightless is Your density While, immobile, You and your mount Travel at speed...

The offerings are gathered About you And your mount gazes At you As, erect, you watch

And observe The worlds –

Ready to nourish And to bless When the call is clear...

... Afternoon I purchase in the market a new stock of incense and oils and camphor, for which I spend Rs. 1,500/- , and Arunasalam replaces the public tap which costs another Rs. 300/- .

- 12-06-14:

... With this desiccating breeze, many plants would need watering twice a day...

Aum Mahapurohit, You have done the Yantra


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