with Sri Ganesh

And Offering –

Your Joy is great And wide As in your song You welcome The New Creation...


- 13-06-14:

... Late yesterday afternoon clouds gathered with gusts of wind and the sound of thunder and it rained for a while – just enough to soak the topsoil and relieve the plants... ... Rs. 10/- are offered...

Namaste, Sri Ganesh, Namaste...

- 14-06-14:

... Today Murthy came in to pray, offered Rs. 500/- and attended the Aarti...

Sri Ganesh Namaste Ganeshaye Great Courage is required To pass on To the New Creation...

- 15-06-14:

P did the puja early morning and, later in the day, with Parasu and a few others, cleaned the pond...

- 16-06-14:

... The heat is up and plants are wilting – few are the flowers to be found in the garden these days; even the hibiscuses are dormant and,


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