with Sri Ganesh

if they bloom at all, they at once get scorched and torn by the hot wind... ... Rs. 50/ have been offered today...

Ganapataye Namah Priya Ganesha Namah Sri Ganesha Namah Aum Namah

- 17-06-14:

... There is little I can offer to Sri Ganesh, apart from a few waxy white blooms of the Plumerias and some leaves, and yet Sri Ganesh is wondrous... ... Rs. 20/- have been offered...

Namaste Ganeshji The Lion is with you And you Watch, Ganapataye Namah

- 18-06-14:

... The ailments and deficiencies in the body are cumulative and there are moments when I just don’t see the point – better be done with it and let it all end...? ... Rs. 20/- are offered...

Ganapataaya Poised is your Majesty, Full is your Gesture Of

Invitation, Bountiful is The yantra Of your Act, Strong and Tender


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