with Sri Ganesh

Is Your Fire, Wondrous Ganesha...!

- 19-06-14:

Aum Gajamukhaaya,

The Shakti’s Very own...

Beyond good and evil, Beyond space or time Yet within The core of creation Ganesha, Help spread the Urge Of Honoring Manifestation...

- 20-06-14:

... A couple came in with their baby girl to be blessed and offered Rs. 20/- and another Rs. 10/- are offered...

The Presence is everywhere And can manifest Anywhere = It is free and boundless And can enter Any form –

Gods are one expression Only...

- 21-06-14:

Summer Solstice... Yesterday evening a cloud mass advanced from the South and there were a few scattered drops and a few thunder claps and it cooled the air...


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