with Sri Ganesh

And Generous Is your Majesty, Each gesture filled With the same happy Absolute certainty – And this is your way To help In the passage Into The New Creation...


- 25-06-14:

... A typical incident, which occurred when I arrived: finding once again the same woman and the same man eating their meals in front of the gate – day after day, never making the least effort to clean-up or to collect any of the rubbish lying around them and hardly even budging when I must pick up and gather all the detritus thrown around since the day before...-, having spread their tiffins right there on the stone slabs and actually blocking the way... I chose to let them have it... They just got up, took their things and moved to the bench, meekly enough, but without any understanding... I just have no more hope for a harmonious change in humanity: it has become too monstrous, too much like cancerous cells that have gone their separate way, separate from the integrity of the whole organism, and become merely destructive of their milieu and environment... ... Amita and her sister come in to do their full pranams on their way back to Bangalore, and offer Rs. 1,000/-... ... Perhaps as a consolation, another unexpected incident takes place: I am emptying the rubbish bin into a large sack, after ending the puja, and the headman, who had come in to do his pranam, sees me there on his way out and surprises me, coming up to offer his help and taking hold of the sack so I can fill it freely with both hands – which means that he has at least learnt a little from Auroville in his life (seeing beyond caste and status to the welfare of the whole...!) ... Yesterday, with Senthil’s help, I opened a 2 years Fixed Deposit of 2 lakhs under the GAN account in the SBI, to which it will yield a little over one thousand rupees every month...


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