with Sri Ganesh

- 26-06-14:

... The same hot restless glare, like a disordered heat pressing... ... Rs. 10/- are offered...

While the old creation Writhes in the throes

Of its ultimate contradictions, There is need and necessity To help lay the base And prepare the conditions, The equipments and The instruments Of the New Creation, Ganesha, This is the call For the true Prosperity –

Of a progressive, Incarnate, Harmonious Conscious Being Upon earth...

Sweet Ganesha, Brother and Friend...

- 27-06-14:

... Rs. 110/- are offered...

Sri Ganesh, You are the Auspicious Occult King And the Sun and the Stars And the Nectar Of Creation Are throbbing within Your frame – And your tranquil Poise Is The Blessing...


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