with Sri Ganesh

- 28-06-14:

... There is a lot of gray this morning and the air is a little milder... ... Today I check all of our Ganesha’s money= in the AV account, there is exactly 1 lakh left, in GAN SBI account there is now 31,886 and in cash at hand there is 9,060, which amounts to a total of Rs. 340,946/-

Sometimes a Yantra, In order to serve An invocative function, Must appear to be Incomplete – There Is the Shakti’s Force and Light And there Are the perfect gods And there Are the individual souls In the throes of Evolution –

All must collaborate, With the truth of their beings And not from any Coercion...

Aum Namo Bhagavate Sri Ganesh, Help spread Her Contagion...

- 30-06-14:

... Late last evening clouds gathered, there came several violent gusts of wind and rain began to pour with force, for more than half an hour – an excellent rain; it was quiet, then, for several hours and then it started again and poured longer and even more forcefully for another hour or so, with loud thunder and such charged lightning bolts that the


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