with Sri Ganesh

mere sound of them was hurtful... Today of course, there is no power supply in the whole area... ... Rs. 40/- are offered...

Sri Ganesh, You appear like the Dancer Who has Reaped and collected All the offerings To lay them At the Mother’s feet, Content and Proud And Given, So they can be purified And processed In The White Light...

- 01-07-14:

... Last night there was a little more rain, but quietly, and the morning sky was almost clear... ... Rs. 10/- are offered...

Sri Ganesh, You let yourself Be seen In a triangle of light, As a token Or a sign of a presence That can be reached –

Most human beings are content With the echo And the symbol, For they wish to maintain The distance and The status quo In order to continue Exploiting Separateness...

But the earth is hurt


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