with Sri Ganesh

- 11-07-14:

… Early on, P came “to see” me…; he looked miserable and his whole posture was one of wanting, wanting to be taken back, to be cleared and embraced; but I kept distant and scolded him for making no effort to face the issue. Then he said that he had told his brother everything this morning itself. As he had not brought the list of withdrawals I had asked him to prepare, nor the land deeds, I sent him away. But later in the morning, his brother came to see me: he had confronted P. earlier, who had refused to speak; but later (after his visit here and my scolding, P phoned him to ask him to come and meet him, that he must speak to him urgently). So I confirmed that he must go at once and demand to be told everything… … On my way here, when I stopped as usual at Koot Road to pick up fresh garlands, the lady and her husband were waiting to hand me a letter requesting my help in funding their younger son’s college fees… This is a direct consequence of P having used the last ten thousand he had withdrawn with my card to “help” them out in my name (this lady has made huge debts furnishing her house and now had to sell it all back, while her husband just watches and sits most of the day, opening his barber shop only when it suits him…). So now there is a complete misunderstanding and I shall have to stop going there at all; even though I have regard and respect for this woman’s dignity and resilience and on occasions I have helped her just a little, I cannot enter this sort of relationship – and thus, no more garlands for the puja…! … Rs. 10/- have been offered…

There is in you, Sri Ganesh, These days, A kind of Absolute In the Rich, meaningful Poise

Of your Beauty, In the expression Of Your civilization, As if of the deepest Nobility In manifestation –

It is a Treasure Of Balance,


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