with Sri Ganesh

In an infinity Of motions and figures…


- 12-07-14:

… Now I must hope Sri Ganesh won’t feel neglected when I offer only those flowers I can collect here itself… … My own selfish need for help in the work or my own desire to see this relationship of many years somehow vindicated by a real step forward and a real progress… all this must be kept aside. I have been a complete fool and it is very clear I do not have the capacity to address any psychological fault, let alone any play of occult influences…

Sri Ganesh, Isn’t courage a form of love? Without love there can be No courage Because one needs to Love strongly For the will to stand To arise, And to be able to Truly love One needs the courage To offer all That pretends, dissembles And wants to own…

Sri Ganesh, today You appear as The Healer, The knower of Each one’s condition…

And by your side Is The aspiration for divine love In the physical = A whole burst of it…!


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