with Sri Ganesh

… Rs. 20/- have been offered…

- 14-07-14:

… The nights are cool and the days rather mild; the land breeze has risen again… Rs. 10/- are offered…

Sri Ganesh is Magnificent, Tender and Harmonious And Wide, A measured forward Movement Of happy tidings And detailed blessings, A generous tide Of nourishing light…


- 15-07-14:

… Rs. 120/- have been offered… … Early this morning, P,’s mother came to the house to lament and ask why he was not coming to work, what mistake had he made, why was no one telling her anything and how were the children going to be fed… What a coward is my friend and what a big fool I have been…! What a waste…! And what a demonstration of the hollowness of my claim to be living a life of sadhana…! I am very, very sorry…!

Sri Ganesh, Ancient, Timeless Seer, Auspicious Witness, Every hearth must have An opening To your presence, Sri Ganesh, Emissary Of the One…



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