with Sri Ganesh

- 16-07-14:

… Still no sign of P. And I find that I am still incapable of grasping, of comprehending the whole thing… How could he do that, dissemble and plot and lie and cheat day after day relentlessly for years and yet continue to be P by my side…? But I know now that I ought to always pay attention to my “feelings”: the kind of upset I had towards him, almost a rejection, which I use to judge as so unfair and undeserved and misplaced, was in fact perfectly right and sensible…! And I can’t help making an overall assessment of my life and what is rather striking is the number of deep and extreme betrayals I have encountered… Quite a few question-marks…!

Sri Ganesh, Is there a cure for the rot That comes from lying…? Is there any other way Than the white fire Of Courage And self-giving…? Sri Ganesh, help me Fight this Nasty and vile, Thirsty and cunning Influence… You who know The dark As well as the Light…! Aum

- 17-07-14:

… The heat has risen again. … Rs. 10/- are offered… … Yesterday evening P’s brother came to meet me; he said that P had admitted having stolen from me, using my daughter’s bank card, but he could not remember how much, only I knew the amount… So naturally he assumed that this was of course a serious mistake but it probably could not be a very large amount and things would clear between us… So I had to explain to him the actual extent of his


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